Originally Posted by suew View Post
Dont forget - Night laning next Saturday





Mick (and Tim if he is allowed to stay up late )

me and zip cos sue sez
that'll fit in me oil burner..........:rolleyes:

on a more serious note, pull the fuel pipe off the regulator, extend with a tube onto suitable receptacle, and put the pump into purge mode.
ignition on and while the initial purge cycle is going on, press the accelerator to the floor 5 times. extends purge cycle to aid bleeding.

All sorted now:D 40 ltrs of petrol with about 10 ltrs of diesel,she had already rung one of these fuel people before she rang me, they come and drain it out for you but they wanted £100 plus money for 20 ltrs of diesel and they don't even put a new fuel filter on.

if its any good to you Neil i will drop it off at workshop next time i'm over.
All sorted now:D 40 ltrs of petrol with about 10 ltrs of diesel,she had already rung one of these fuel people before she rang me, they come and drain it out for you but they wanted £100 plus money for 20 ltrs of diesel and they don't even put a new fuel filter on.

if its any good to you Neil i will drop it off at workshop next time i'm over.

Oohs hit that's expensive. Yeah, if you have it and need rid, I can use it.
Sent while drunk from zips iPad thingy in a pub somewhere while meeting oldseadog.
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Oohs hit that's expensive. Yeah, if you have it and need rid, I can use it.

Sent while drunk from zips iPad thingy in a pub somewhere while meeting oldseadog.


And because of the no pics it didn't
Happen rule. Here is proof. Neil Zip and Oldseadog

mild hang over this morning.
good to meet ya, osd!

and cheers sue for the death ride, oops, taxi service.:eek:

You have got to be the worst passenger ever :p:p:p:p:D:D:D:D

Just admit you are wrong about the roundabout :eek:

Although you definitely improve with a few pints of Guinness :D:D:D:D
see, its not me that stirs stuff up.

I wont say owt else in case I get accused of insinuating you only came cos someone else was at the pub

Yep I have to agree. You rang me and asked if I wanted to meet oldseadog. How could I refuse an offer like that :d:d
So what's the plan for Saturday as I may have a lad joining me from work in his Defender if there's room.

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