
Well-Known Member
A thread for West Yorkshire people to put their laning trips.

Post any rubbish you like in here :D But to prevent the lists and useful information being buried in cake and gate descriptions :D just PM me the post number or link to another thread and I will add it to this list.

Nothing planned on here at the moment but we have some trips arranged on Facebook

If you are new to laning and joining any trip you need front and back recovery points, at least AT tyres and decent recovery cover. People will do their best to recover broken down vehicles to tarmac and mobile signal but after that would expect a recovery service to take over. When you join our trips it is your responsibility to decide whether your vehicle or driving ability makes a lane safe for you to attempt :D:D

IMPORTANT NOTE - Green lanes are subject to exactly the same rules as roads. Vehicles need tax, MOT and insurance. Drivers need to hold a full driving licence and be insured for the vehicle they are driving. We would expect anyone joining our trips to be completely legal. We do not welcome anyone one on our trips who drives off piste either.

Nothing planned at the moment. Post your wish lists or ideas and I will see what I can organise :D
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Christmas Laning Trip

Two days laning organised specially for Drewster who is visiting Yorkshire for the weekend. No accommodation will be arranged, two separate days laning so attend either or both, starting Leeds Bradford Airport area. It is mandatory that your Landy is decorated for Christmas or a forfeit of driving Belford in reverse will be required Landyzone drinking session in Yeadon (or somewhere near) on Saturday night

21st December 2013

1 Drewster
2 Suew
3 Sarah 90
4 Steve999&Jo
5 200
6 GD Haydock

1 Philelvey
2 DefenderRob
3 Nrgserv - possibly probably maybe

22nd December 2013

1 Drewster
2 Suew
3 Sarah90
4 Steve999&Jo
5 200
6 GD Haydock

1 lowey
2 DefenderRob
3 Philelvey - possible
4 Nrgserv - possibly probably maybe
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25th October trip, nice quiet trip in the Dales - Full now but exactly who is coming is not sorted yet. GDHaydock leading

1 Gdhaydock
2 Suew
3 Sarah90
4 philelvey
5 Difflock
6 John


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OK, we need idea for the Christmas trip decorations.

This could be modified to fit a Landy, bit worried about the Reindeer on some of the lanes though :D

25th October trip, nice quiet trip in the Dales - Full now but exactly who is coming is not sorted yet. GDHaydock leading

1 Gdhaydock
2 Suew
3 Sarah90
4 philelvey
5 Difflock


johnf is a definite (apparently he's bringing gates bitches as well)
Well seeming as Drewster already has a motorised accessory shop the fitting of some tacky crimbo lighting from Wilkinsons should be no trouble at all for him :D
Well seeming as Drewster already has a motorised accessory shop the fitting of some tacky crimbo lighting from Wilkinsons should be no trouble at all for him :D

Well we can expect something really special then :D:D:D

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