well, ave bin hammerin fook out of the top socket fer half an hour now - no sign of any movement.

time to get the blowlamp out methinks............
OOOH someone call the Burns unit :eek: Looks like we're about to have a "My burns worse then yours" thread between Trewy & Mondo. Maybe we cud have a LZ Sweepstake on which one of em will have burnt/scalded away the most skin, This year. :D
well it's out!

a 15mm long reach socket is just the right O/D to go in through the top and push the top socket out. a couple of long extension bars and a big lump hammer did the rest. I supported the drop arm with a bottle jack underneath whilst ammerin like fook.

buggered the socket and one of the extension bars though.
drop arm ball joint all finished.
hardest bit was getting the new rubber gaitor to fit properly. eventually worked out that turning it inside out before sliding it on works best.

just nsf shock and brake flexi and the little patch on the outrigger to go. that'll have to wait till tomorra - gotta get me chores done now, then ave me tea, shave & shower in time to join Buster and Oddie at the pub.
Have you got the most spectaculat torrential thunder and lightning storm where you are - it's been constantly rumbling here for about 20 minutes, with torrential rain (while we were enjoying the festival in the park!!)

What time you plannin on heading down to Polperro?
nope - can hear the thunder in the distance, but no rain here.

hope to be at the pub 'bout 7:30.,
went in for re-test today and passed!
weyyyheeyyyy!:D :D :D :D

all that's left to do now is daub some underseal over the patch welded on the outrigger.
Congrats Trewey, does that mean yerll be drivin the GOOD car to the next meet up??:D:D:D

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