Thanks HunnyBuns

Buster's kit was different to mine!
he didn't have the O ring (leftmost part on bottom row) or the brass coloured piece (3rd from left, bottom row).
possibly - but if he changes his pwd, it will stop it.

Same for anyone - if they get an MSN post with summat like http://xxxxxxfound.some.c0o0ol5tuff...acts). sorry Trewy fur fred hijack:eek:.
Thanks HunnyBuns

Buster's kit was different to mine!
he didn't have the O ring (leftmost part on bottom row) or the brass coloured piece (3rd from left, bottom row).

I think I mite of had the O ring when I did mine, but i can't remember where it went. I didn't have the brass bit tho either.. It mite fit my finger tho If yer wanna get down on one knee..;)
wil yous dirty infected buggers pleeze start yer own pus-laden fred.
I is hopin fer a sensible answer ter me qweshchun.
On here?

I think I mite of had the O ring when I did mine, but i can't remember where it went. I didn't have the brass bit tho either.. It mite fit my finger tho If yer wanna get down on one knee..;)
brass aint good enuf fer you HunnyBuns.
it'd ave ter be 22carat gold or nowt.;)
Oh good !

now i dunt feel so guilty, I cant find the "ask slob" fred

but i just wundered if anyone knows wot this is?

Ifound it in a stream...iss bout 2 naft inchis long !:confused:


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Shame you got them bits Trewy, i got a spare drop arm and brand new unused ball joint kit sittin ere takin up space you can have if yer want. Me new kit dint come wiv all them extra bits (like you said) - but tis what Landy put in originally!

Lerrus know if you needs a hand

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