
Cockernee, Pasty munchin bastid.
Both front brake flexis.
Drop arm ball joint.
All 4 shock absorbers.
Radius arm bush.
Small patch to weld on me front N/S outrigger.

That's me weekend taken care of then....................bollix.
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
i just had mine done lucky to get away with a lose headlight and a missing backbox even though i got a couple of very bald looking tyres and a bloody great hole in me crossmember .....good luck with ya jobs...let us know how it goes
well, I got all the bits from me local indie - £140 the lot - not too bad I spose.
Armstrong shockers and all the rest is Bripart stuff. still beggars can't be choosers I spose.
Mine wern't too bad. New exhaust, oil seal on back axel, front head light rattling around. I must say that its running much better now than when I got it a year ago.

You beeing an expert trewy, surely it'll be finished in time for tea... ;)
I had 2 m.o.t's before i came back from switzerland because it went it to have front part of the chassis welded by the bumper, and out rigger welded,suspension mount welded. Seat belt mount needed attention. Hand brake tightening, new windscreen wiper motors. waste gate valve repaired.
And while they were at it i got them to put on a lift and new polybush set cos it had perrished. All in all came to just under £1000 with parts and labour
ow dear. rear shocks wont take long, neither will the flexi's. ball joint is going to be an arse along with the radius arm bush... but im sure you know that allready.

enjoy yourself tomorrow!

3 shocks done plus 1 flexi.
only problem so far was 3 out of 4 studs shearing on the turret ring, necessitating a trip to Tamar 4X4 for 2 new ones (£3.95 each).

aint bin rushin - too hot, and me puppy was "helpin".
I've got it split, just gorra get the ball "seat" out tomorra.
doused it with half a can of GT85 (much better than WD, if you ask me).
just had a look at me repair kit.
there's more parts in there than is gonna come out of the old one!

anyone gorra piccie of where they all go?
this is what's in the kit


the 4 parts in the bottom row don't seem to have been there previously!
anyone know where they go?
this is what's in the kit

the 4 parts in the bottom row don't seem to have been there previously!
anyone know where they go?

Buster did a post on this recently.. fook nose where it is tho.. Them round springy 'o' shaped things hold the rubber cover in place top an bottom when yer'v put it all back together I think.

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