
Active Member
:mad::mad:Whent to go out Saturday night found some nice **** ****ing up the side of my P38, confronted him endid up having a small scrap managed to subdue and restain him whilst my wife rang the police during which time his partner (Also very ****ed and high on something) turned up and started on my wife, police eventualy turned up and sorted it or as we thaught but whilst in the police station giving statments befor they were arested he came back broke the wiper arms on both the P38 and the classic, let the tyres down on the P38 and scratched the bonnet and wing of the P38.:(:(
:eek::eek:So all in all a SH!T weekend and OwneDTBH thinks he gets depressed LOL:rolleyes::rolleyes:

:blabla:pS At least he didnt brake any glass!!!!!!!!!:blabla:
sorry to hear that mate. Are the police gonna charge them with criminal damage or is there insufficient evidence?:mad:
Sorry to hear that treeman. Old fashioned justice is best, ya should have given him a thumping, the little chav
sorry to hear that mate. Are the police gonna charge them with criminal damage or is there insufficient evidence?:mad:

The way UK law works these days the **** artist will probably get compensation while treeman gets charged with assault:doh:
These are idiots we also had similar sons car on the front windscreen went through 3 times in a month we new who it was told the police did not want to know even when the police came to look at the third one they said it looked like it had been shot at, hubby was goinig to get them police said he would be arrested
i had rear window smashed twice by same ****, went out one night gave him a good slap, never been near it since. i must say if i see him again i will let all the dogs out and close the door.
When I had my rangie, I used to get a lot of people "bumping" their trolleys into it and accidentally "scraping" up the side. Actually caught a guy keying it. Followed him back to his shiny Audi and did it back. Fair enough, mine had enough on it from laning, but thats not the point. He said mine was too big and shouldnt be on the road, ruining the environment, blah blab blah. I looked on the back of his car and he was driving a 4.2 Quattro S4 :doh: I pointed out that he was probably doing as much as I was, but he thought that as his was 6 years younger than mine that it was OK. Idiot.

[/rant over]
you stopped to ask questions, i'd have jumped all over his bonnet, then his face!!!

then for extra added value took a **** on the passenger seat (just so he could drive with my turd as passenger)
you stopped to ask questions, i'd have jumped all over his bonnet, then his face!!!

then for extra added value took a **** on the passenger seat (just so he could drive with my turd as passenger)

No no. I followed him back and did it to his car. He started asking me questions as to why I did it first, not knowing I'd seen him do it. I guess he didnt see me following him as I was coming out the shop.
bravo, for returning the favour AND not loosing it totally!!!

if i damage mine its quite funny, as in, its only a car. but if someone else does its big trouble.
I sympathise Treeman, so far my Rangie is the only car I've had the local tossers haven't touched! I've had em scratched, dented, broken into and stuff taken, attempts to hammer out locks, and one written off by a drunk ploughin into the back of it...and the plod never caught anyone for any of it:mad::mad: Maybe the the Rangie's to tall for the little F**kers:D:D
I looked on the back of his car and he was driving a 4.2 Quattro S4 :doh: I pointed out that he was probably doing as much as I was, but he thought that as his was 6 years younger than mine that it was OK. Idiot.

[/rant over]

It beggars belief how retarded some people are!!! :doh:
Sorry to hear that treeman. Old fashioned justice is best, ya should have given him a thumping, the little chav
afraid i,ll have to agree with irish medic.these little b*stards only recognise the law of the jungle.....if you tease a lion then he is going to bite your b*lls clean off:D:D
sorry to hear that mate. Are the police gonna charge them with criminal damage or is there insufficient evidence?:mad:

:blabla:At the moment Ive been told they are up for at least 5 charges between them including Assault,Criminal Damage & Urinating in an Improper Place.:blabla:

Thanks for all the posts

Cheers Les
Sorry Treeman what has happend to you. I really can't believe the tos@ers out there. And as for what happend to you Hammy I can't get over that, As Gav said fair play to you for keeping your cool, I think I would of pounded the f@cker to near death!!!

Treeman I hope you get some justice out of this.
treeman,make sure ya get ther ya can av someone put all thi house windows thru!thi sound like scummy cuunts wot dont cook,so phone every tekaway place around em,so thil be blacklisted.n if thiv got kids,ring the authority's n tell em thi kiddie fiddling.
When I had me golf I parked it in the last bay in a shop carpark and came back to find a merc parked on the pavement next to mine. fooking great scratch on the side of the golf and a dent in the door where the daft **** had crunched into me trying to park up, He even had red paint on his car.

When he came back I asked him for his insurance details and he told me to fook off :eek: unfortunately for him me missus (now ex) had PMT and she was a psycho when she was on one. End score was merc no front headlamps no tail lights and 4 huge dents in his N/S.doors and front wing Driver bloody nose and sore balls. & I never even had to take me hands outta me pockets :lol: :D :D

Your post made me

I hd a girl with bad PMT but never that bad

Sorry to hear of your woes Treeman, make you wish you hadn't involved the law and just filled the T@@T in

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