
Your post made me

I hd a girl with bad PMT but never that bad

Sorry to hear of your woes Treeman, make you wish you hadn't involved the law and just filled the T@@T in

I had a fiesta 1300S when I first met her & we'd had an arguement. was sat in it with the window wound up and she marched up and booted the drivers door so hard the lock jammed. & when I tried to wind the window down the fooker wouldn't move more than 2 inches. Had to climb out of the passenger side.

She was a big girl anorl weighed about 14st.but was fit as **** used to run 8miles a day and was a member of the mountain rescue team. and had a punch that would have put Mike Tyson on his arse.
When I had me golf I parked it in the last bay in a shop carpark and came back to find a merc parked on the pavement next to mine. fooking great scratch on the side of the golf and a dent in the door where the daft **** had crunched into me trying to park up, He even had red paint on his car.

When he came back I asked him for his insurance details and he told me to fook off :eek: unfortunately for him me missus (now ex) had PMT and she was a psycho when she was on one. End score was merc no front headlamps no tail lights and 4 huge dents in his N/S.doors and front wing Driver bloody nose and sore balls. & I never even had to take me hands outta me pockets :lol: :D :D

:eek::eek:So all in all a SH!T weekend and OwneDTBH thinks he gets depressed LOL:rolleyes::rolleyes:

lol i wasn't expecting that

but on a serious note i would be pretty ****ed off aswell and i would be taking a visit to the guys house/car to return the favor. were do people get the cheek to do such things hope he gets what he deserves.
What you need to do is get some one from here with a gaylander to park next them, this will infect them with gayness and from then on there car will always break down- but not in the normal good old LR way but in the Gaylander way lol:p

Now thats revenge lol
I had a fiesta 1300S when I first met her & we'd had an arguement. was sat in it with the window wound up and she marched up and booted the drivers door so hard the lock jammed. & when I tried to wind the window down the fooker wouldn't move more than 2 inches. Had to climb out of the passenger side.

She was a big girl anorl weighed about 14st.but was fit as **** used to run 8miles a day and was a member of the mountain rescue team. and had a punch that would have put Mike Tyson on his arse.

cant fer the life of me think why you aint still with her :rolleyes:
personaly i think its a bad idea doing there motor/house they just come back anfd do yours some more , rip him a new arsehole he will think twice before doing it again :mad:
round my way they all know dont mess with the old cnut! not fussy will run um down if they step off the kirb :mad: :D
fookin scrotes :mad::mad:
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I keep my Rangie so dirty and scruffy looking that everybody gives me plenty room. Even in parking lots it's so dirty that people are afraid to brush against it

I learned this driving a battered VW transporter builders van that had great big gashes down the side and not a single straight panel on it. I could pull straight out into traffic that would get the wife in her Punto mown down and I wouldn't even get a beep. Subconciously people see the state of what you are driving and think "that guy either can't drive or doesn't give a sh!t" and just stay away from you.

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