I Understand now! I've never had any experience with it.
Can't afford posh landies.
don’t worry neither have i and i’m still learning after a year , lol
found this if it may be of interest, it mimics a beam axle , so as one wheel goes up other goes down
What's crosslinked air suspension?
In low range, when one wheel is forced up as the vehicle crosses uneven terrain the air suspension forces the opposite wheel down, thereby improving the chances of it touching the ground and also increasing weight on it. Both are good for traction.
The independent front suspension offers a reduction of un-sprung mass over the conventional beam axle design. The
suspension geometry features negative ground level off-set for improved control under braking. The suspension arms
have been designed for maximum ground clearance. Suspension geometry can be adjusted via the strut top mount
for camber and on the steering rack track rod ends for toe-in.
The following wheel travels are shown for on road and off-road vehicle operation. The difference between the two
operating conditions is a result of operation of the front cross-link valve. When the cross-link valve is opened the
suspension travel is as given for off-road wheel travel. When the cross-link valve is closed the suspension travel given
for on road applies.
The off road mode wheel travel is:
175 mm bump
95 mm rebound
This gives a total of 270 mm off road suspension travel.
The on road standard wheel travel is:
115 mm bump
155 mm rebound
This gives a total of 270 mm on road suspension travel.
only considered D4s and rangies to be posh

, tis nice and comfy though
half decent D3s are running around 7-8k