How to make laning pics classier 101











Sorted the brake light issue and created a new one........they're now a bit spongy :mad: stupid hydraulic brake switch system!

So tomorrows plan......put the new rad hose on, bleed the brakes, fit the new exhaust manifolds and possibly adjust the brakes now that I know how to :p oh and tighten up the handbrake, I'm sure if I take the gap down from 3mm to about 1mm I'll have a nice handbrake that'll hold me on any hill
cheers :) the old girl had a rough day but more than kept up with the rest of them! Be pretty much unstoppable once I fit the offroad carb needles :D
This thread needs more tinkering pictures, not black and white beauty shots! (Although a few of those are nice sometimes...) :D
Passenger wheel bearing is ####ed I think :p making a grating noise!

Gonna jack it up on sunday and see whats what :eek: the laning has taken its toll

Also used it to give a friend a lift, didn't exceed 40 but he shat himself even with the harness on
Removed the old P6 exhaust and started to fit the P38 headers.......gave up after I realised I'll have to modify one side so called it a day
I don't have any stainless welding rods :p finished cutting them up with grinder though!

And made a start on the radiator panel for the cadillac ;)
A lot! Due to the chassis design the manifold can only really go out the back and straight I don't like this as it means the pipe has to be that bull**** sized 1.25" so what I've done is cut the pipes all off the collector and I'm going to modify their length so I can bring them forward and move the collector to the front of the block (unlike on the S3 this cant just be done by cutting the collector and welding it at 90*) clockwise. Essentially what I have at the minute is a series of four flanges, the rear two on the passenger side are fine but the front two due to the chassis design have to be rotated 90* clockwise first before doing extending and welding to the collector at another 90*clockwise from where it used to be

So what I'm doing is using flexi pipe to extend each them to the length required before welding back to the collector

Just need to get some flexi and stainless welding rods to complete it

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