My dearest Slob
In answer to your first question, probably. And in answer to your second question, I went to a general stores the other day and asked if they fitted men with trusses. The assistant reply "yes", so I asked him to wash his hands and sell me a quater of jelly babies! Which means I have no support, so if yours is clean and you have no need for it...............................................................oops I've run out of inspiration and the gaffers just come in.
my dear sweet darling grunt,
i'm so glad you remembered that i simply adore jelly babies. I do so hope you got lots of black ones as they is my favorite ones.
I have to say that if you have run out of inspiration i would suggest that you turn of the A/C . i find that is a good way to get the inspiration flowing again
they'll be selling dilithium crystals next.
.. gaylander head gasket gone? again?
then buy a dilithium crystal
no more HG worries
improved performance and, this is the big one
you actually get some orf road ability
buy two and you can manage that big kirb outside the school
. yes folks this week only we are throwing in a warp drive for only £4.99
Bollocks - even a ****wit knows you fix a gaylander head gasket with a sonic screwdriver and cornflake packet. Di-lithium crystals, even at £4.99 for two, are only capable of fixing the inexplicable powers losses on Td4 engines.

Hang on, that's a lie. Not even di-lithium is capable of making a permanent fix on a gaylander. It's anti-inevitability dust that does that. Never seen it on ebay though...
i stood here corrected then i thought would toilet paper do just as well as a cornflake packet or is that only good for fighting klingons
Composite toilet paper does the job fine, the sintered tin version is a little...scratchy and works on the principle of flicking the klingons off.
Wheresdildo! We missed you:)

Hows Alice, how's the packing job at Safeway?

Why did you fit those wheels to your truck?

P.S. Don't lift your truck, the airs a bit too thin up there...
the packing job is fine...and i got promoted! alice is good...the wheels give me more offset. why does it grind on 2nd gear above 2500 rpm??
whereswaldo583 said:
the packing job is fine...and i got promoted! alice is good...the wheels give me more offset. why does it grind on 2nd gear above 2500 rpm??

Your syncros are possibly a little worn and 2500 is too fast for them now.
whereswaldo583 said:
the packing job is fine...and i got promoted! alice is good...the wheels give me more offset. why does it grind on 2nd gear above 2500 rpm??

promotion huh?? does this mean you get to pack fudge aswellas ****?


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