Well that would do for a start, then start thinking "gene pool". We're not talking shallow end, we're talking footbath.

Oops! Missed a page.........That led on from leaving him because you don't get it......... Now who's the Derv, I mean Div'!
wot does "looking it in the 'swear word' dictionary" mean ??

oh !! i see !!you meant look it up in the dictionary.. my fault, i should have realised you're just a dumb septic
Man, this is getting personal, don’t wanna be a spoil sport but I think we should lay off for a bit, maybe. I know their septic and all but they do enjoy the delights of land rovers and I wouldn’t want to put them off.
whereswaldo583 said:
i dont think you need spark plugs with a diesel...im pretty sure it combusts with the pressure
it's been pretty personal since wheredildo747 said the above
With you Webby.

Gotta say Creoslob, Why Walmart & But where's my bum gone, this thread's been pretty personal forever! When it goes all surreal, it's quite amusing. I'm also fairly sure it's the longest running (like most posts to a thread) ever. Buuuut (& please don't give me the forum Police thang) it is pretty pointless. Couldn't we get one of those real time chat room thingummees? I think that would be really amusing. Anyone know how you go about getting one? I haven't messed about with that stuff for years. Accy' was talking about a free for all section on here, but maybe we should just.......er, get a room? Or an Alt. thing or something. I'm thankfully not nerdy enough for all that ****. Someone must know?

If a bicker starts we can take it over there.........Bit like fight club.....'cept 1. You are allowed to talk about it & 2. You are allowed to talk about it............But only if I get to bosh Helena Bohnam-Carter, seems fair?

Only let in members to this site even if they have a Freelander.........or espesh if the have a Freelander. Hell, I don't know, just ideas! Thing is, I'm drawn back to this thread like a Moth to flame, but it isn't big & it .........well, some of it is clever, but usually only on one side of the Atlantic.......See, see, it's unavoidable.

So, waddayallreckon.........Aaaagh, I'm infected!
dear mrs marcus,
i illreddy said that boot the real time chat thingy or we could just all log on to msn and see how many turn up for a slagging match, eh! i mean friendly diffcusion.
yours seenhardly
mr creoslob
Ooooo, Slob, you'd go over my knee, if I only had a clue what you were buggering on about! Webby, any idea how we go about it?

Ahhh, Slob, just decoded your reply.........Well? Conference chat on Skype even? That would just show how ****ed, stoned, munted we all really are! Be up for MSN, but for anyone who doesn't wield an axe, my Skype is "sumrakeood" (if you speak Bulgarian, it makes sense!) if you want to search...........Though unless I recognise your moniker, I ain't going to allow it.

So, in the words of Mssrs Radioinyourhead "where do we go from here?"

Hee hee,

Mrs M.
See IRC, I did all that about 7 years ago, is that where it's still at? Not having a pop, just asking?
Marcus said:
Ooooo, Slob, you'd go over my knee, if I only had a clue what you were buggering on about!

Mrs M.
if i knew what i was on about i'd tell you but with these drugs i'm on i don't have a clue
Ain't that the truth Slob..........change you dealer before you change your lifestyle! Hey Sheddy, I bet "not bandwidth hungry" would change as soon as us sods got on there. Soooooooo, what can we do?

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