that's gross?? this coming from someone that make a living putting people's **** into paper bags do you wear cloves when you're working?
it means ...wheresdildo747 is a complete and utter **** and he has a brain like a computor you have to punch information into him!
Hi boys. It`s time now to stop this silly arguing and negative characterization, and scolding of each other.
Stick to what you have as common interests , your Land Rovers. And i say that the first one who`s replying to this on a disparaging way, expose himself as an ,....well no need for expl. Change the subject, go back to what it was meant to be , a place for show and tell of weird stuff one can find on the eBay

The Norseman
Gotta say, Norseman's got a point. A lot of threads meander off & are quite amusing for it, but 24 pages! C'mon?

This is a pretty good freindly forum & I've indulged in a fair bit of Waldo bashing myself: Waldo, if you are a Land Rover enthusiast & not a spotty, goth, computer nerd, forum troublemaker (they do pop into forums just to mess things up though I am not saying you are one) and I believe you are an enthusiast/owner - Well, let's all ease up a bit.

It is a good place here, I enjoy it a lot as well as finding it invaluable & it is ultimately about Land Rovers. It's also a forgiving place of all our ignorance (i.e, I know nothing about oil, Slob knows nothing about, er, well, about personal hygiene & don't get Sheddy started on brakes fer gaaaawdsakes!

Sorry, didn't want this to be a sermon, but I for one am concious of posting stuff I ought'ent on occasions, 'spesh at Xmas & usually on account of drinking on an empty head & on most other forums it's the kind of stuff that gets you reprimanded if not banned (oh, I upset people in other places too & have to say it's pretty liberal in here - Try owning a Leica camera & posting to their enthusiasts sites, they're bleedin Nazis!)

No, really sorry, I sound like a reet happy clapper! Here endeth the lesson!

Right, now I need a drink.
i guess marcus is right...slob, im sorry i called you a...wait...slob was the one doing all the name calling! oh well...hows your land rover??
Actually all, check this out....... Tears, marks & it's running at a hundred bleedin' knicker at the mo'! What the..........? Is this a rare item or are the really that many idiots out there? I looked at it as I'd really like something over my head that stops the condensation drips for the first 15 miles or so.........aint'ent paying that tho', Jeesh, it's a piece of furry plastic fer gawdsakes!
And while we're about it, check out this guy's "more great items" at the bottom of the page! SheEeEeEeEt the bed, I'm in the wrong game! Anyone want to buy, a Series, anything for over 200 notes? Sure it'll fit. Honest, I'll unbolt it & send it in the morning!

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