Ha, ha: "These cufflinks are sure to form a cherished part of your collection of LAND ROVER memorabilia and since they are bound to be sought after by LAND ROVER enthusiasts, and are sure to be extremely collectable". Oooooooo, I'm bidding reet now so I am! I want everyone at work to know I drive a stupid truck too! Yeah, yeah, yeah, I have to wear a sooot! Aint'ent wearing them tho'!
Gotta say tho' chap, it ain't such a bad idea if you can be arsed. The bloke I've just bought a '93 Rangie air filter from on ebay in order to fit my snorkel seems to be doing just that. If you can be fagged to dismantle it, write a description, carefully calculate the postage to make a quid or two, wrap it up bit by bit & send it through the mail I reckon you could make a killing.......Seriously!
Ha ha, she's also listed as going like, well just about everything you could imagine, including a "De Walt".............Awwww, maaaaan, for a woman who goes like machine tools!
ket1953 said:
Hi boys. It`s time now to stop this silly arguing and negative characterization, and scolding of each other.
Stick to what you have as common interests , your Land Rovers. And i say that the first one who`s replying to this on a disparaging way, expose himself as an ,....well no need for expl. Change the subject, go back to what it was meant to be , a place for show and tell of weird stuff one can find on the eBay

The Norseman
bog off
Ha,ha, wotcha Mr S...........Succinct as always! Are we enjoying life by the neighbours bucket load or the bubbly bong this fine eve'?

Awww, it's like sharing a forum with Father Jack!
well ah mean i started this thread and 'eric the viking ' comes in and says lets all go look at e bay for land rover stuff. if you look at the number of views each post get on this forum you'll see that by far the one's that grunt and me chuck friendly banter about on are read by more people than any others. so people must look forward to seeing what crap we come up with. either that or they are compiling a list to use in court against us.
right i'm off back to me bong..bongs and mechanics i like them both well stacked.
Oh, don't get all possesive over yer thread Mr S. I've started lots of things & wished I aint'ented.

Mind you, I've noticed something too.........All this unseemingly misbehaviour seems to come from them there Series owners whether they stay where they belong, or whether they venture into those other DefendiscRangelander bits. All them other producks seem to be owned by people what ask "Where can I get a pollen filter for my P38", isn't that a kind of body filler (?) & serious things like "Why's my danger, danger stiff cock lock light showing when's I'm in one wheel, low radio, stiff cock block, up hill, down hill, whoops apocolips, how's your Father, muddy out there, er, setting?..............I want more electonicks than an interior light..........er, and another lie down.
but its my thread and you forgot "what two wheels turn when i'm in two wheel drive?" dat's a cracker!!
I would like to answer some of the posts in this thread.

1. no way.
2. yes absolutley.
3. sod of you septic tank
4. he he haha he ha eh a heee haahahaha heha he ha rhweeh.
5. yes but my colostomy bag just burst.
6 .your a **** slob you beat me to it, I once had a coffin made of chequer plate.
7. **** goddamn I dont mind exposing myself once in a while.
8. what two wheels turn. Please refer to item four.
Just got to page 21 . heheehhahahrhehehaahehehahehahehaheeeehaaaaheeheheheh etc etc
I've not laughed so much since me grannie got he fooblies cought in the mangle.
you should check out 'general chat' 'someone answer this for me please' in ref. to your item no.8

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