Look at those door/wing mirror mountings! Kinnell do they double up as rocksliders and if they did and rocks were slid on would the passengers end up perforated.
no! no! no! am sure he's not. in fact i have it from a reliable source that most septic's real names are richard cranium
Oh, THEY'RE real. A prize (small, insignificant, but oil producing country) to the first Merkin who works that out.
You Don't Deserve Any Bad Second ..
What Happend With You ?? You Lost Someone Special ? You Look So Tired .
'Lets look at American Engineering shall we?

The Dodge Viper 8.3 V10 and produces an astonishing 510bhp. '

Really, didn't Cosworth get about that out of a 2.0 turbo?
The Hamshanks still like pushrods, and simple stuff (like them really). Mind you they are all doing thier nut at the minute at the rising fuel prices over there. Welcome to the real world boy's, bet you don't want to fuel that Viper now.....

'Lets look at American Engineering shall we?

The Dodge Viper 8.3 V10 and produces an astonishing 510bhp. '

Really, didn't Cosworth get about that out of a 2.0 turbo?
The Hamshanks still like pushrods, and simple stuff (like them really). Mind you they are all doing thier nut at the minute at the rising fuel prices over there. Welcome to the real world boy's, bet you don't want to fuel that Viper now.....


aye yer not wrong abart that.. but then how long will yer two engines last? the more power you squeeze outta injun the shorter its life.
for instance them 1.5 ltr turbo injuns they used to have in F1 could produce abart 1500HP but they wur lucky to last 200miles. on the other hand a lazy old stationary injun will plod on fer every.
just look at the rice burner bikes; 3 years and yer injun is dead but a good old v twin thumper will still be banging away after gawd nose how long.
you see clarkson never mentioned the life span of the injuns when he did that bit about dodge v cosworth,cos that would have detracted from his unedjacated point, so most people dint even consider it. they just go on about how much more power a 2ltr cosworth has compared to something 2.5 times its size.
Fair nuff tho'. They do build sum nice big injuns (weren't the Rover V8 derived frum some Merkin motor or other?)..........it's just the piles of tin **** they put them in that let 'em down.

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