Whyzat then? They cut the 'oles innit to stick twigs an' stuff in 'em ;)

Now if it said "as above with a hole in it and some brown and grey stains" you'd have something to worry about :D
can we talk about aloominum too?

The Yanks have officially been told to spell and pronounce the word 'aluminium' mainly because most other metals end in 'ium' eg. Uranium, Titanium. But it will take a while .....

(I thought this would make a good 100th post :p )
Ear, seen this? Looks like an interesting project!
Item number: 190088190193
The Yanks have officially been told to spell and pronounce the word 'aluminium' mainly because most other metals end in 'ium' eg. Uranium, Titanium. But it will take a while .....

(I thought this would make a good 100th post :p )

would that include brassium,steelium and copperium? and what about ironium, goldium, silverium and bronzeium? and my favorite zincium
would that include brassium,steelium and copperium? and what about ironium, goldium, silverium and bronzeium? and my favorite zincium

Just to be a tw*t, Ferrus, Aurum, Cuprum, Argenta, Plumbum, Wolfram...:p
actinium, thorium, protactinium, uranium, neptunium, plutonium, americium, curium, berkelium, californium, einsteinium... ;)

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