
I had a run out on Tuesday gone and when I came to the top of The Wayfarer, I was shocked to see the latest damage that had been done by 4x4 recently.
It was obvious that the culprits had been driving off piste in a circuit going round and round through the hole, and not being happy with that, there is now an adjacent hole started!
Denbighshire County Council and Wrexhan Borough County Councils (shared border) will not be too pleased and it would not take much to have this route closed to 4 wheeled traffic.
The weather damage to the Eastern end was enough to have the CCW and WBCC trying to put a closure in, but this latest vandalism will be playing in to the hands of the antis. It's the worst I've seen up there!

The future of this route is in question here. If you use the route, please keep to the track. It is a ancient green lane, not a pay and play site.
Let's try an keep the route open so many folk can continue to enjoy the drive over there.

And what's really friggin annoying??? The gits who did the damage will ignore a TRO and fook it up some more anyway - only legit folks feel the pain :mad: :mad: :mad:
sadly correct.

W**kers. Ill happily take registrations and report anyone.
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What really frustrates me is that within 10km from the peak of Wayfarer in every direction, there are lanes that need clearing, ie, though trails that get blocked due to no use (apart from TRF motorcycles), why aren't these 4x4 off-road heroes using them, and aiding other users by preventing foliage ingress. :confused:
Instead they bully a sensitive route managed by two of Wales' most anti 4x4 councils!
It really is a 'no brainer' but this could be difficult for these numpties to comprehend! :decision:

I see the above replies are about self policing, which is promising. There are numerous organisations fighting to keep the lanes open for recreational traffic, and the idiots need catching and dealing with. Hopefully they will see the errors of their ways and then join us in the fight.....:tea:

Mind yer language ginger pubes.;):D:D:D

Oops sorry boss :eek:

What really frustrates me is that within 10km from the peak of Wayfarer in every direction, there are lanes that need clearing, ie, though trails that get blocked due to no use (apart from TRF motorcycles), why aren't these 4x4 off-road heroes using them, and aiding other users by preventing foliage ingress. :confused:
Instead they bully a sensitive route managed by two of Wales' most anti 4x4 councils!
It really is a 'no brainer' but this could be difficult for these numpties to comprehend! :decision:

I see the above replies are about self policing, which is promising. There are numerous organisations fighting to keep the lanes open for recreational traffic, and the idiots need catching and dealing with. Hopefully they will see the errors of their ways and then join us in the fight.....:tea:


I know exactly what you mean. It boils my blood! :mad:

But unfortunately the people who do this simply dont give a s*&t about lanes and how sensitive they are. They wont give a t*ss about ruining it for the rest of us. If the councils slap a TRO on the lanes they wont care because they wont ring the council to find out, even if they did ring they would drive it anyway.

It is a losing battle. We can just do what we can.
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anybody out on the wayfarer this weekend ?
I like a situation report cos I was going to use it in a couple of weeks and forewarned is my favorite thing
been up on the wayfarer today, makes me weep, loads of ruts in the peat round the memorial, one of the sleeper ways has been torn to bits.
if by some chance those that did this are on here-
I had a run out on Tuesday gone and when I came to the top of The Wayfarer, I was shocked to see the latest damage that had been done by 4x4 recently.
It was obvious that the culprits had been driving off piste in a circuit going round and round through the hole, and not being happy with that, there is now an adjacent hole started!
Denbighshire County Council and Wrexhan Borough County Councils (shared border) will not be too pleased and it would not take much to have this route closed to 4 wheeled traffic.
The weather damage to the Eastern end was enough to have the CCW and WBCC trying to put a closure in, but this latest vandalism will be playing in to the hands of the antis. It's the worst I've seen up there!

The future of this route is in question here. If you use the route, please keep to the track. It is a ancient green lane, not a pay and play site.
Let's try an keep the route open so many folk can continue to enjoy the drive over there.


Well said sir , it's pricks like this that give every one a bad name .
It makes my blood boil when hear of pricks like that, i'm with Big Ginga Beard
and would have no problem reporting and taking reg numbers. These Bastards
if caught should have their motors taken from them and fooken crushed .

If they want to go off road there are plenty of pay and play sites.
I was up there not so long back, early this year (i forget!) and it was a right mess near the memorial :(
I was up there not so long back, early this year (i forget!) and it was a right mess near the memorial :(

That seems to be the worse bit as it's all peat bog. Good job the rest is mainly rock based.

Maybe some of the rock could be placed where the peat bog is or a fence put up.
Land mines would sort the situation out.

Some idiot drove up a pile of scalpings that were at the end of my lane a few weeks ago. People will drive up anything, it's an animal stimulus/response. "I see challenge, must drive. Ug"

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I was up there a couple weeks ago with trax99 and it is mindless damage. Who's responsibility is it to up keep this lane and would it be worth us lot putting ourselves forward for a bit of repair. LANDYZONE SOS, I know it's not a lot but for a start I've got 4 good sleepers to donate and some sweat and tears ....
I was up there a couple weeks ago with trax99 and it is mindless damage. Who's responsibility is it to up keep this lane and would it be worth us lot putting ourselves forward for a bit of repair. LANDYZONE SOS, I know it's not a lot but for a start I've got 4 good sleepers to donate and some sweat and tears ....

Sounds like a good idea, but I fear that all the hard work would be rapidly undone by the minority.

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