Sounds like a good idea, but I fear that all the hard work would be rapidly undone by the minority.

Reckon it sounds like a good idea because it IS a good idea.......the mindless/selfish will always be a pain in the arse but if anything it's a reason to do more.

I'm well up for this
Count me in! was there a few weeks ago with Goody8, Trax99 and few others, some damage then by monument, can't believe theres more now!
You know id be in for this if i was in the country.

Good work fellas, sounds like a good plan.
What's the situation with the sleepers?

As Crg says there ok but some at the start have been damaged and were in the first pool.....

I would defo be up for a repair run up there shame the top cannot be fenced off ... If it was I still feer the fence or what ever would be ripped down
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As Crg says there ok but some at the start have been damaged and were in the first pool.....

I would defo be up for a repair run up there shame the top cannot be fenced off ... If it was I still feer the fence or what ever would be ripped down

I think a large quantity of rocks should be put there. if you can't fence it off then make it pointless to drive over it.
Take away the challenge and you might take away the temptation.
Hi all, been onto a contact at GLASS, and he's onto it, hopefully we should be able to pull something together pdq.
Heartening to see has been the response on here, everone wanting to pitch in, lets face it WE should be seen as the true face of the laning fraternity not the tosspots who do this damge.
Noticed there is an article in Land Rover Owner international 'May' about lane damage and it mentions Wayfarers
I'd be more than happy to help out on a repair day, Really is a disgrace the off piste damage that's been done by totally mindless fools
Hi all, been onto a contact at GLASS, and he's onto it, hopefully we should be able to pull something together pdq.
Heartening to see has been the response on here, everone wanting to pitch in, lets face it WE should be seen as the true face of the laning fraternity not the tosspots who do this damge.

Nice one keep us posted, As you say can only be good for our reputation and also it should go a long way into securing future use of the lane
I'd be up for helping out too... And to drive the route would be great! If I can tie it into a trip up that way when you all do it then I'll be there to help out
Hi all, been onto a contact at GLASS, and he's onto it, hopefully we should be able to pull something together pdq.
Heartening to see has been the response on here, everone wanting to pitch in, lets face it WE should be seen as the true face of the laning fraternity not the tosspots who do this damge.[b/]

Noticed there is an article in Land Rover Owner international 'May' about lane damage and it mentions Wayfarers

Have you thought about getting a bit of publicity about what you guys are doing? It would show what real laners are like and would make people a little more aware of what comes from off piste laning. Im sure one of the mags would do a feature, publicity of the problem can only be a good thing
Have you thought about getting a bit of publicity about what you guys are doing? It would show what real laners are like and would make people a little more aware of what comes from off piste laning. Im sure one of the mags would do a feature, publicity of the problem can only be a good thing

I'm sure we could knock up an article to submit.
Hi all, been onto a contact at GLASS, and he's onto it, hopefully we should be able to pull something together pdq.
Heartening to see has been the response on here, everone wanting to pitch in, lets face it WE should be seen as the true face of the laning fraternity not the tosspots who do this damge.

Not very heartened by the response of my Glass rep.......none :confused::confused::mad: Can you keep us posted of news?
Can we contact the LRO guy who just joined? david???

Surely he can help?

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