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1. If Mr. Smith is the genuine, salt of the earth person he portrays himself as, why doesn't he arrange for me to inspect his vehicle in Durham? I will pay the Garage for an hour on a lift or a ramp.
2. Mr. Smith says he is going to take me to court. I have already made him aware that under court rules as a sole trader I am considered an individual and so the case will be heard in my home court of Coventry. That means two trips to Coventry for Mr. Smith. One for the pre-trial nonsense and then when the case is actually heard. He must know all this because his deposit cheque was drawn on a firm of solicitors. I'm guessing that his wife is a solicitor. So if he is prepared to make two trips to Coventry why is he not prepared to make just one trip to my premises to let me carry out rectification?
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