Who do you wave at?

  • All Land Rover/Range Rover vehicles

    Votes: 13 12.3%
  • Land Rovers only

    Votes: 10 9.4%
  • Range Rovers only

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Defenders/Series only

    Votes: 66 62.3%
  • Discoveries only

    Votes: 2 1.9%
  • Freelanders only

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • I don't wave

    Votes: 14 13.2%

  • Total voters
Wave at any Landy, Around where I live there are a few that wave back, as been said else where in the post, man response seem to be from the ones that have sliglty modded the motors

I've even had a couple of other brand 4x4's wave, there motors had been tricked up a bit:D
You young-uns wouldn’t know this but many years ago the AA chaps rode motorbike and sidecar. If you had an AA badge on your grill they would salute you.
In 71 when I first started caravanning, other vanners would wave to you, even flash their lights. On a trip to say Weymouth from Bath you would be lucky to see any more than two on the journey. Now every bugger has one including me.
Do I wave to other rangers?…… no way, not unless they give way to me.:5bhurray:

I was born in 71 and i'm an old fooker on ere :eek:

wow yous are proper old you will be able to compere dust :p:D
I don't do waving, if I'm driving the off roader I've usually got both hands on the wheel hangin on for dear fookin life!
When I had my Series other Series and Defender drivers would wave.
When I got my defender only other defender owners would wave series owners would not.
I wave at fenders, series and modified. If I'm in the disco 3 and wave at them without thinking I usually get a funny look.
I wave at tricked up deependers and Discos ................

occasionally they wave back :D

not surprising - me in the slitty :D
Dont wave to slitty ****tys.

RR,defs get waved and let out if not "pimped up":mad::mad:

Gaylanders get the finger.
I am a bit wary to wave sometimes .. I don't like the risking rejection! :p:p Round here there are not many defenders lots of shiny polished range rovers, sports and disco 4s who I don't wave to.
For a laugh I sometimes wave at random people as I drive past them in the street.I used to do this to give my younger brother and sisters a laugh when I went home to visit. Folk usually wave back but you can see they are thinking "who the feck was that". If you wave at people who are walking when you are walking yourself they usually think "who is that feckin nutter".:D
Time for my medication now.:eek:

Fpmsl:lol: I do this also, a friendly "beep beep" and a wave always gets a response followed by a 'who the fek was that look' :lol:
It never ceases to make me laugh.

I always wave and flash at Defender/Series drivers and the modded disco's or RRC's:D I have found that the standard disco drivers look at you if your mad. :lol:
When I had my classic, I'd wave at other classic and always getta response.

I give a 'special' wave to Freeelanders :lol::lol::D:D
I wave at lots of other road users.
I just change the number of fingers that I use depending on the circumstances.
For a laugh I sometimes wave at random people as I drive past them in the street.I used to do this to give my younger brother and sisters a laugh when I went home to visit. Folk usually wave back but you can see they are thinking "who the feck was that". If you wave at people who are walking when you are walking yourself they usually think "who is that feckin nutter".:D
Time for my medication now.:eek:

Tiz more fun if yu blow a kiss to a couple . You can then see them arguing as they drive down the road.
Tiz more fun if yu blow a kiss to a couple . You can then see them arguing as they drive down the road.

Some bloke blew me a great big kiss from his sports car the other day when I gave him priority on a bridge (bearing in mind I am built like a gorilla)....

I just wet myself laughing, it was such a distintive 'thank you'

And which one of you came blurting up behind me on the Tavistock road the other night (defender 90) ... flash flash flash... I thought my wheels were falling off or something so I pulled over while he just raced on past.

Haha a few years ago I remember me and my brother used to wave to people when on the motorway from the back seats just for laughs and reactions. Every single wave resulted in 10 minutes of laughter and giggling.. best way to pass long journeys lol! I often sit on the roof with a friend and wave to random motorists as they go by. Some start waving to you first because they think its so funny lol!

Oh yeah, and I sometimes wave to other delivery drivers at work .. depends as some give you an evil look as you work for a competing company and some wave like they are your best mate haha!
I wave at leafers, and usually Defenders...but its 50/50 if either lot wave back. Thats me in a series btw. Only ever had I think two waves off Landrovers that were not defenders of series.
My work vehicles all wave at each other, I think we must all feel sympathy for each other considering our employer!!!
Some bloke blew me a great big kiss from his sports car the other day when I gave him priority on a bridge (bearing in mind I am built like a gorilla)....

I just wet myself laughing, it was such a distintive 'thank you'

had the exact opposite response from a sports car driver back a while ago.
driving along a stretch of dual carraigeway (A303) came up to a slip road coming onto it, was in a full body of traffic (both lanes full traveling at about 60mph) this cock comes steaming up the slip road and straight into about a 15mtr gap in front of me :mad: guy behind me nearly ass ends me then the cock shackes his fist at me!! and rams his way into the outside lane and floors it . ****! the only thing that saved him from a severe beating was he could get the **** out of my postcode quicker than i could run straight over his ****ing rollerskate :mad: .

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