Who do you wave at?

  • All Land Rover/Range Rover vehicles

    Votes: 13 12.3%
  • Land Rovers only

    Votes: 10 9.4%
  • Range Rovers only

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Defenders/Series only

    Votes: 66 62.3%
  • Discoveries only

    Votes: 2 1.9%
  • Freelanders only

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • I don't wave

    Votes: 14 13.2%

  • Total voters


New Member
Read this month's LRO, and saw an article about waving at every Land Rover vehicle you pass on the road. I think it's a great idea.

Today I conducted a completely unscientific survey, during which I waved at other Landies and noted if they waved back (sad I know).

My experience was that all Defenders (3) and Discovery 1s (2) waved, but nobody else did. This includes 6 Freelander 1s, 3 Freelander 2s, 4 Discovery 3/4 s and 2 Discovery 2s.

As an ex biker, we used to nod or wave all the time (but this was dying out).

I'm going to continue waving at everything for the next few week. I'll post my conclusions here.

Poll is, who do you wave at? Feel free to add why or why not below.
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Cant say I wave to any other Land Rovers unless I know them or they wave first. If I did im sure id get quite a lot of confused looks from many farmers. I do get waved at by others qite a bit though.
For a laugh I sometimes wave at random people as I drive past them in the street.I used to do this to give my younger brother and sisters a laugh when I went home to visit. Folk usually wave back but you can see they are thinking "who the feck was that". If you wave at people who are walking when you are walking yourself they usually think "who is that feckin nutter".:D
Time for my medication now.:eek:
where's the i stick two fingers up to freelander owners ..... just as thay get close so its to late for them to do it back some have been that slow thay even waved back :doh::D
For a laugh I sometimes wave at random people as I drive past them in the street.I used to do this to give my younger brother and sisters a laugh when I went home to visit. Folk usually wave back but you can see they are thinking "who the feck was that". If you wave at people who are walking when you are walking yourself they usually think "who is that feckin nutter".:D
Time for my medication now.:eek:

when i first met my misses we were in the car an when people would giveway an you put your hand up to say thanks, she use to says wow don't you know loads of people :doh::doh::doh: fecking silly bitch.... i just said ye:rolleyes: :D it was only till we was about 50 miles away from home an she say well how do you know them my first instinct was to say dogging he he.. but thought best not an told her.. an she had the cheek to call me a nobhead :kettlepot:
where's the i stick two fingers up to freelander owners ..... just as thay get close so its to late for them to do it back some have been that slow thay even waved back :doh::D

Hell, I know quite a few Defender and Series owners that are great people, so only a few of them can be knuckle draggers - so I've decided I'm not going to let them put me off! :p

Waving at other Land Rovers in Cornwall is going to be a complete non-starter (about every 10th car here), but I'll certainly be letting them out at junctions - even Defender and Series owners :rolleyes: :D

Driving a Freelander and proud of it!
fenders and 90s are all farmers around ere ! they think i'm some kind of tit for driving a landy and not workin on a farm !
fenders and 90s are all farmers around ere ! they think i'm some kind of tit for driving a landy and not workin on a farm !

i think by a roundabout route they may have accidentally hit the nail on the head :D:D:D
I've only had my Defender two weeks and have spent more time working on it than driving it, not many Land Rovers have come past the drive way so I've not had much chance to wave!
I find that people who have the newer defenders i.e TD5 drivers are in a different class! I tried waving at 6 of them and not one of them waved back! I got a sneering look from a few of them.
You young-uns wouldn’t know this but many years ago the AA chaps rode motorbike and sidecar. If you had an AA badge on your grill they would salute you.
In 71 when I first started caravanning, other vanners would wave to you, even flash their lights. On a trip to say Weymouth from Bath you would be lucky to see any more than two on the journey. Now every bugger has one including me.
Do I wave to other rangers?…… no way, not unless they give way to me.:5bhurray:
You young-uns wouldn’t know this but many years ago the AA chaps rode motorbike and sidecar. If you had an AA badge on your grill they would salute you.
In 71 when I first started caravanning, other vanners would wave to you, even flash their lights. On a trip to say Weymouth from Bath you would be lucky to see any more than two on the journey. Now every bugger has one including me.
Do I wave to other rangers?…… no way, not unless they give way to me.:5bhurray:

I was born in 71 and i'm an old fooker on ere :eek:

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