
Active Member
Right guys, got an issue!

Firstly. Its a 1995 P38 4.0 petrol with 78k

The range rover is off the road just now while I have the heads skimmed/checked after a knackered head gasket (2" hole in it!) and getting a new cam and lifters sorted out.

Its sat with the heads off for around 2 months now as I have been a skint and busy guy in equal measures. popped the hood today to check out a few things and one of the bores is full of water! :confused: it would have to be the piston lowest in the block for maximum mess!

So first question... I can't see how its got there? There's no signs of water in any of the other bores? liner doesn't look to have slipped and no visable cracks. Any ideas?

The truck has always used some water so I've always suspected an issue but on splitting the engine there is no signs of any steam cleaning on the pistons or bores so put this down to the the head gasket going. I believe its gone before and wasn't repaired properly as the head bolts were slack as hell!

Next question, the liner now has some surface rust but no pitting. I can scrap the crap off with my finger nail and the metal feels smooth underneth. What can i use to clean this off? was thinking of a scrotch brite pad but worried about leaving any abrasives in the bore... any suggestions?

having kittens over this just now as the last thing I want is to have to drop the block as funds won't stretch to that sort of work just now!
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get water out with sponge don't move or scrape anything then fill bore with Coca-Cola check next morning all should be good;)
get water out with sponge don't move or scrape anything then fill bore with Coca-Cola check next morning all should be good;)

+1 on that. Like the coca-cola idea. Is that 'de-coking'?
Water probably came from one of the coolant channels cast into the block.
get water out with sponge don't move or scrape anything then fill bore with Coca-Cola check next morning all should be good;)

Bloody genius! :D I'll give that a crack.

I've soaked out the water with some soft rags and sprayed it with some water displacer and stuffed some more rags in to soak up anymore rogue water.

Time for some coke to clean it up... maybe with some ice and a slice of lemon :rolleyes:
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Was it water or antifreeze? have got a Cover over bores you should always keep them oiled !
Unpainted steel will always go rusty due to salt content and air moisture .
Difficult to tell, mopped it up in a panic!

Looked like fresh water to me at first glance, the coolant is fairly new after replacing the water pump after the seal failed so is a nice red... but hard to tell red from rust! :(

Need to go and smell the rag and see if it smells of coolant... hope the neighbours ain't looking!
Update time! Found my leak... :rolleyes:

The windscreen jet is loose and the rain and wind have forced it under and into the only bore directly below.

The coke worked a treat if anyones wondering!

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