Hi all,I have water coming into the front passenger footwell, cat seem to see where it's coming from ,also some in back behind what I thinks called the seat bulkhead any ideas ,it's rained all day so obviously penetration from outside, forgot to mention TD5 hardtop county 2002
Best to try a hose with sprinkler on outside whilst someone with good eyes and a torch looks around

Consider door rubber seal
Windscreen rubber seal
Windscreen to bulkhead seal
The cast windscreen frame leaks on some behind the rubber at a join
Vent flap rubber seal
Joins on roof at gutter or where angled bit levels to horizontal

Enjoy .......
The water is always coming from somewhere, it's a matter of taking the time to find the source(s) and fixing it.
I worked my way around the door eliminating leaks one by one. I found:
-badly fitting door seal around the top
-Perished seal between windscreen frame and bulkhead
-Badly fitting vent flap seal resulting in the formation of Lake Dashboard
-Kink in the door seal on the curved section
-Hole in the floor as a result of the leaks
-Some water coming in around the door bottom seal strip.

Now, apart from the last one which lets in a bit of water in heavy rain (work in progress) the leaks have stopped :D I did get some funny looks sitting out there in the rain though.

Yes, most land rovers do leak, but they don't leak because they're supposed to, they leak because something isn't right. The trouble is they don't get fixed because 'all land rovers leak'.
I've done everything to mine, all new seals, fitted and sealed the plastic to the doors properly, sealed the gutters, caulked all the gaps, everything the ingress manual said and it still comes in at the bottom of the doors.

Most leaks are gone tbh but the doors seem impossible to seal.

If you do stop your doors leaking at the bottom please tell me how! Lol!
Part of the delight of owning a defender.

Been chasing my leaks for 2 years now, just had my alpine window seals replaced and that's sorted some of the wet foot well issue. My bulkhead to windscreen hinges leaked like mad so replaced them, that was one of the main culprits ....however it will take time enjoy
The only place mine leaks now is the bottom of the doors. The passenger side isn't too bad but it's pouring in on the drivers side, and I've tried everything I can think of!
Ive just stopped my one and only leak in my 1989 90 CSW by a bit of sealant on the join between the footwell vertical and the bulkhead in the passenger footwell, took ages to realise it was coming from there - thought it was the door pillar......and my sunroof hasnt leaked since applying vasaline!!! (tip found on here)

Hope this helps.

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