
I'll just add that I would rather see it crushed than have people profiting from a ringer.
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"Not safe for American roads". What a bunch of ****, I driven in the states and it no different to here, there are proper ****heaps driving around!!!

Why destroy it? Why not send it back at the importers cost?
Just another example of how stupid and narrow minded the American culture is. They cruse around in gas guzzling monsters that would obliterate anything they hit, yet they'll crush a vehicle that is quite obviously not old, but could easily be upgraded and resold to make them the $100000 they talk about instead of $30 in scrap! Similar to Cash For Clunkers really... Another wonderfully stupid idea.. I know.. Lets drain the oil out of a perfectly good vehicle, poor some silica glass solution in the sump and rev the nuts out of it until it stops (usually with a bang and a lot of smoke!!!!) instead of giving it to a needy family in Detroit or New Orleans!! Muppets!!:mad:
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So do you think there should be a ready market for stolen defenders then?

Where did it say it was stolen? I understood it it had been imported illegally and had a few mods to get it around the tight import laws in the US.... Even if it is stolen, the very fact that it has been impounded and not made it to its original destination will serve as enough of an inconvenience for the thief.. I still stand by the fact that its daft to crush a perfectly good vehicle. If the left hand was to talk to the right hand, and someone was to actually look at all the 'other' identifying signs on a Defender, they can soon ascertain if it is stolen or not, and can deal with it appropriately.. It could easily be thrown back in a container (at cost to the traceable thief), and returned to the rightful owner!!! Knowing how many hoops I had to jump thru to get all our stuff and vehicles into Australia, I know for sure that the 'box' that 110 arrived in the US in would be very traceable...
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Well it's obviously a ringer, the importer must, unless they are thicker than a thick thing, know it's a ringer and I would suggest the most likely source for a ringer is a stolen vehicle.

Ringers get crushed over here too, unfortunately not often enough to make it unprofitable.

I'm not saying it would cut LR thefts completely, there is still a market for nicked parts but taking away the market would surely cut them down.
2 things here

1: yet again the Daily fail has twisted the truth and printed outright lies to Glam up old news stories.

2: people selling these landies know the law. There are lots of websites. that will tell you exactly what is or is not exportable to the states. Basically 25years old and in original condition. with no modified major components.

If people want to try and export a 300TDi defender which is disguised as a series 2 then it's gonna get crushed. And quite rightly too.
This is rich coming from a country where 3 out of 7 cars that are considered least safe are a Jeep, a Chevy Colorado & (at the top of the list) is a Dodge ram 1500....
Top 7 Most Dangerous Cars in America

I think there just jealous that we can build 4x4's that can last longer and easier to maintain than anything else they can build!
This is rich coming from a country where 3 out of 7 cars that are considered least safe are a Jeep, a Chevy Colorado & (at the top of the list) is a Dodge ram 1500....
Top 7 Most Dangerous Cars in America

I think there just jealous that we can build 4x4's that can last longer and easier to maintain than anything else they can build!

Nothing to do with safety of the vehicle (Daily Fail making it up as they go along)

it's about dodgy vehicles that don't meet US import regs, (original with matching numbers and chassis's) been seized and destroyed. As they should be.
I'm not defending the ringers, I just think its shame to destroy perfectly good vehicles when there are some real dangerous **** heaps driving around, you can't tell me a new defender is more dangerous to drive around than a 40-50 year old series which they allow

I just think its short sighted to crush it, why not impound/confiscate it and sell it back into a country with different safety laws

Surely It make more sense environmentally and financially not to crush it!
I'm not defending the ringers, I just think its shame to destroy perfectly good vehicles when there are some real dangerous **** heaps driving around, you can't tell me a new defender is more dangerous to drive around than a 40-50 year old series which they allow

I just think its short sighted to crush it, why not impound/confiscate it and sell it back into a country with different safety laws

Surely It make more sense environmentally and financially not to crush it!

IT'S NOT ABOUT SAFETY. It's about the US having very strict anticompetitive import laws. the rules are that any imported vehicle must be over 25years old and buiit to factory spec. This is to protect the US's domestic car industry from competition.
IT'S NOT ABOUT SAFETY. It's about the US having very strict anticompetitive import laws. the rules are that any imported vehicle must be over 25years old and buiit to factory spec. This is to protect the US's domestic car industry from competition.

Well that makes more sense, most US car are a sack of arse, they need protecting;)
Where did it say it was stolen? I understood it it had been imported illegally and had a few mods to get it around the tight import laws in the US.... Even if it is stolen, the very fact that it has been impounded and not made it to its original destination will serve as enough of an inconvenience for the thief.. I still stand by the fact that its daft to crush a perfectly good vehicle. If the left hand was to talk to the right hand, and someone was to actually look at all the 'other' identifying signs on a Defender, they can soon ascertain if it is stolen or not, and can deal with it appropriately.. It could easily be thrown back in a container (at cost to the traceable thief), and returned to the rightful owner!!! Knowing how many hoops I had to jump thru to get all our stuff and vehicles into Australia, I know for sure that the 'box' that 110 arrived in the US in would be very traceable...

said altered ID..... what does that mean? plus this is the 4 th time this has been posted by other that failed to search.
IT'S NOT ABOUT SAFETY. It's about the US having very strict anticompetitive import laws. the rules are that any imported vehicle must be over 25years old and buiit to factory spec. This is to protect the US's domestic car industry from competition.

You are so full of **** red again. It is no different than trying to import banned/illegal stuff into the Uk. Follow the laws and you can get all the defenders you want into the US. It is that simple.
I'm with Redhand. Daft to crush a perfectly good vehicle.. Yeah, I hear u about laws, theft, rules, rah rah rah rah.... The whole world is full of rules... so lets say it is stolen.... Smash it up and get scrap value for it, or sell it on and get the $100000 previously mentioned and funnel that money into fighting crime, or locating dodgy importers, or even perhaps... maybe give it to charity???? Nah, lets smash it up and get $30 for it!!! Great idea!
You are so full of **** red again. It is no different than trying to import banned/illegal stuff into the Uk. Follow the laws and you can get all the defenders you want into the US. It is that simple.

Perhaps you'd like to show me where I've diagreed with the US's import policy or it's response to people who fail to follow the rules??

Try reading post number 9.

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