
New Member
Hi All.
I'm looking at buying a repaired Category S write-off Discovery 5 commercial. It was new in September 2021 and I was wondering if the 3yr warranty would still be in place, or does it automatically become void once a vehicle has been classified as written off?
I have heard of different policies in this scenario, depending on manufacturer.
Can anyone advise, please?
Hi All.
I'm looking at buying a repaired Category S write-off Discovery 5 commercial. It was new in September 2021 and I was wondering if the 3yr warranty would still be in place, or does it automatically become void once a vehicle has been classified as written off?
I have heard of different policies in this scenario, depending on manufacturer.
Can anyone advise, please?
I would be guessing but I would be VERY surprised if anyone could stand by a warranty on a vehicle which is written off. There are so many unknowns and risk which there wouldn't be any appetite for.
It hasn't been put back on the road yet, but is mid repair. I have been to see it and driven it as is. It is structural but repairable and it is cheap.
There is damage to the front bumper (and a few components behind it), side step, front and rear doors and rear arch. Both air bags had been set off and the rear shock had been broken.
Who is selling it? If it is the garage doing the repairs you may get a warranty period from them, or they may sell you a third-party warranty such as Black Horse. Their value is questionable imho
I wouldn't buy a repaired cat S. That must surely impact the resale value when you come to move it on
Hi All.
I'm looking at buying a repaired Category S write-off Discovery 5 commercial. It was new in September 2021 and I was wondering if the 3yr warranty would still be in place, or does it automatically become void once a vehicle has been classified as written off?
I have heard of different policies in this scenario, depending on manufacturer.
Can anyone advise, please?

Have you tried to insure the repaired vehicle & declaring it being a cat s , in my experience a repaired motor never feels right.
No chance your getting any warranty, plus have you you ever tried selling a cat vehicle its a pita.

Walk away mate you will regret it.
My Mate broke his arm while on holiday in Minorca, he arrived at the hospital and the first thing he was asked, was for his medical insurance or credit card number.
He had travel insurance and the E card and it was sorted out quickly.
Would they still attend to you if you didn't have these??
My Mate broke his arm while on holiday in Minorca, he arrived at the hospital and the first thing he was asked, was for his medical insurance or credit card number.
He had travel insurance and the E card and it was sorted out quickly.
Would they still attend to you if you didn't have these??
Has he been declared a cat s write-off?
My Mate broke his arm while on holiday in Minorca, he arrived at the hospital and the first thing he was asked, was for his medical insurance or credit card number.
He had travel insurance and the E card and it was sorted out quickly.
Would they still attend to you if you didn't have these??
Wrong thread?
It would depend on what yer trying to claim for on the warranty. Headlights failed no chance. Air con leak no chance. Alternator fail possible.

The car won't be cheap. It's value will be oft set against its history.
Have you tried to insure the repaired vehicle & declaring it being a cat s , in my experience a repaired motor never feels right.
No chance your getting any warranty, plus have you you ever tried selling a cat vehicle its a pita.

Walk away mate you will regret it.

Funny enough also thought the same as read about some people struggling getting a quote plus the V5 being marked as Cat S so can also be very difficult to sell

Plus 1 in walking away as in all honesty would prefer getting one with a blown engine over structural damage as at least then may be able to get a new warrenty on it after the engine has been repaired/ replaced

Other thing that would concern me is the broken strut as if that was from an impact if it’s pushed any of the body in or bolt mountings out of line etc
Hi All.
I'm looking at buying a repaired Category S write-off Discovery 5 commercial. It was new in September 2021 and I was wondering if the 3yr warranty would still be in place, or does it automatically become void once a vehicle has been classified as written off?
I have heard of different policies in this scenario, depending on manufacturer.
Can anyone advise, please?


Do u happen to have any pictures of it along with showing the damage etc plse

Many thks

Can I insure a Cat S vehicle?​

Yes, it is absolutely possible to insure a Cat S vehicle, but you must be aware that this category of vehicle is considered high risk in the eyes of car insurers. Given that insurance is all about the level of risk, Cat S vehicles that have been repaired without the need for independent checks or tests are considered a grey area. It’s not easy for insurers to determine their present condition or market value.

Put simply, insurers will offer you a policy for Category S vehicles, but be prepared to pay a significantly higher premium than owners of vehicles that haven’t been written off as Cat S.
I would be interested to know how a ........Landrover dealer would know its a "cat S" .......IF it was repaired properly ,

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