Here ratty that other thread about the 300tdi with no power that's how mine runs when going uphill or at full throttle could my pump in tank be the cause?

what thread?


When was the fuel filter last changed?
Have you run it low on fuel at any point since then?

When fuel light comes on I fill up.

Is the engine running smoothly apart from being low on power?
Just like in that video car Judders and lunges about.

Is there any smoke from the egg-sauce?
only when its doing it. None on normal driving and only a small puff when you drop the boot down as it drops a gear.

Have you got the timing sorted?

Yes was done at the garage runs smoother than ever when running normal.

Does it smell like it's running rich?

You can smell petrol when around the outside and when stationary for 30+ seconds with a window open.
Have you run it low on fuel at any point since then?

When fuel light comes on I fill up.

Is the engine running smoothly apart from being low on power?
Just like in that video car Judders and lunges about.

Is there any smoke from the egg-sauce?
only when its doing it. None on normal driving and only a small puff when you drop the boot down as it drops a gear.

Have you got the timing sorted?

Yes was done at the garage runs smoother than ever when running normal.

Does it smell like it's running rich?

You can smell petrol when around the outside and when stationary for 30+ seconds with a window open.

So it's over fuelling then.;)
except that kez likes to keep his space open on the forums.... lol

nowthen, those that wish to spend like feck, then run around all with cries of
I`m better then you coz I do lotsa dosh on me motor,
or I`ve got bigger tyres than you, or does my dislocation look big in this,
then carry on...
only one of you is nearly right and thats mondeo man ;)

so children, all go huddle over in a quiet corner and hold hands nicely before you start all being standard haters.

oh, nobby, re £500 bangers,
your oh so wrong, but if it keeps you happy chappy, cary
Ah I only wish I did the engines I was body panels and final assembly. Also mines road worthy and road legal I just do 20 up most inclines so still as fast as Fast a series :D:D:D:D
made me laugh, a feckin tin basher giving billie big bollox,
man up and learn how to rebuild engines, go ask your ex wife,
seems she knew more about stuff than a tin basher.

if it wernt so far I`d show you how to build reliable race winning engines, but then why the feck should I,
no one else wants to help..

tell you what, next time I pass your slow modded motor, wave us down, and I`ll rope you onto the back of mine, its not a boys toy, but it runs well....very well.....
except that kez likes to keep his space open on the forums.... lol

nowthen, those that wish to spend like feck, then run around all with cries of
I`m better then you coz I do lotsa dosh on me motor,
or I`ve got bigger tyres than you, or does my dislocation look big in this,
then carry on...
only one of you is nearly right and thats mondeo man ;)

so children, all go huddle over in a quiet corner and hold hands nicely before you start all being standard haters.

oh, nobby, re £500 bangers,
your oh so wrong, but if it keeps you happy chappy, cary

Will do.

made me laugh, a feckin tin basher giving billie big bollox,
man up and learn how to rebuild engines, go ask your ex wife,
seems she knew more about stuff than a tin basher.

if it wernt so far I`d show you how to build reliable race winning engines, but then why the feck should I,
no one else wants to help..

tell you what, next time I pass your slow modded motor, wave us down, and I`ll rope you onto the back of mine, its not a boys toy, but it runs well....very well.....

you where the one giving big bollox about being a race car builder I got a little toy tucked away bring what you want I'm sure you would enjoy the view of the back end.

Kez is having a strop on...
I suppose its a V8 thing that snowmen understand and others dont.

as I sigh, close the door quietly and chuckle as I walk away..... boys eh, all that testoserone and stuff, must be hard for him being so young..

Funny you are the one being immature about people using winter tyres and modding there trucks yet you call me a child.

Personal insults nothing says "I'm in the wrong" more than provoked repetative personal insults.
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Will do.

you where the one giving big bollox about being a race car builder I got a little toy tucked away bring what you want I'm sure you would enjoy the view of the back end.

Funny you are the one being immature about people using winter tyres and modding there trucks yet you call me a child.

Personal insults nothing says "I'm in the wrong" more than provoked repetative personal insults.
oh deary deary dear, now whats gripping the end of your codger -
your parting shot of WHAT was that again =
"Funny you are the one being immature about people using winter tyres and modding there trucks yet you call me a child,
:baby: but my child, I use winter tyres, it says so on the sides of them,
but you come back with this hilarious forum thread of WHAT....
"Warning stop what you are doing and read. :eek: (a nasty man has upset us) :pound:eek:r something...

I love this bit my child ,
it goes ->

I have just been informed that what alot of us on this forum do is impossible and we are wasting all our money.
Winch for xmas? Send it back
Lift kit? Wont make any difference so dont waste your money.
A guy who removes glass from 500 quid ****ters has made me see the light.
We are unable to improve our land rovers at all so we can all save our money...........:baby:
OH really my child, you said ALL that .......

took you long enough to think that reply up my child,
but then, just maybe your group huddle made you do it eh..:p

go get some sleep, think about just how you behave, then come back at me with the pleasentaries, or WTF, coz really, I dont give a fecking feck what you do or say,
but go quietly my child, dont wake us elders up, we may just bite...
Dunno what rattled your cage but you are really hilarious. I like you I mean in a watching a car crash kind of way enjoy what you can because it seems you have some real negativity in your life. I repeat my first comment to you. Now go get your catheter emptied.
Dunno what rattled your cage but you are really hilarious. I like you I mean in a watching a car crash kind of way enjoy what you can because it seems you have some real negativity in your life. I repeat my first comment to you. Now go get your catheter emptied.
my child, I enjoyed crashing my cars, in a good kind of way, a way some find Impossable to believe on just how much fun can be had by being equal in a field of up to 50 or more, starting at near the back at times, but by careful planning making you way through a fast moving debris field lap after lap to take a checkered flag kind of good way.
but by using highly modified engines, not only sharpens your responces, but sheer grunt when you needed to push/spin/ or just run the other tossers into the wall at the end of the straights making a clear exit round the corners for a line up for the next tosser/sorry fellow competitor/ who got in my way... :D
maybe thats my way with life, I tend to push others who irritate away,
just brush aside those who, well, at times come over like you my child.
its the same in banger or stock car racing, just push wasters away, as age is of no consiquence when overalls and helmits are worn, its just skill, luck, or if someone really took my dislike, my cars died, but died doing a massive head on..such a great feeling to stop other billy big bollox in there tracks dead, its what the fans go to see at the end of the day...
cant do it now as age has arrived, but can still feel the need at times.
one more thing my child, cathiters are not yet needed, but if one was to be in the need, my dear wifey being an ex uroligy nurse can assist, but thanks for the offer :rolleyes:

now, your beddie bies is overdue, your dreams of offroading are waiting,
but for me, tis the twilight zone, a case of do I sleep now or continue to take the **** (no cathitors here now) at your comments...
no, your free to go my child..
tea & hot toast for me.. youtube awaits...:p

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