
New Member
Not sure what these relate to but when I am driving I get 3 warning bongs, each about 1 sec apart, there is no dash message when it occurs. I have heard the 3 short and one long beeps when pulling off quickly which may be the seat belts but these bongs are different.
GPS, TMC, Nav related, speed warnings at 30 or 50 mph, not even sure what speed they've happened at and twice have deffo been less than 30mph, can anyone give me an idea? Not all the time either.
Finally figured it out this evening. The hourly chimes for the clock.:hysterically_laughi

You sure??? Thought 3 chimes whilst driving indicates a fault.

Edit: just did some research and the RR clock can beep 3 times on the hour. How stupid is that?!
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You sure??? Thought 3 chimes whilst driving indicates a fault.

I thought so as well but when it happened, I noticed the time was just turning the hour so reset the clock to minus 1 minute and about 8.59.40 it did it again, then again so I knew this was deffinitely the issue.:cool2:

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