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Galen your wasting time with Bellautos as they are a BBS dealer and not impartial
his name is in red - not sure that means much - but it means he does pay summat.

Colin Whittall £5?:p

Oh and Bellautos, I take it your PETE? your nominet registration is incorrectly registered as a non trading individual-they are quite clear that you can't opt out as a company and will be contacting you to rectify it

It is of course important to remain accurate and tell people the whole story

[nomedia=""]YouTube - Sting - Spread A Little Happiness[/nomedia]
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I currently have an Original Nanocom. I also had a Snap-on Ethos which I then upgraded to a Snap-on Solus-pro, Which I have now upgraded to a Snap-on Modis. I know they are more expensive than a lot of diagnostic systems but I have always had the support as and when I need it.

I've been waiting for the Nanocom Evolution to come out as my Nanocom original is hardwired into my landy in instrument mode and I'm after a second unit to keep onboard my breakdown truck for re-programming key fobs and reading EKA codes etc. Due to the amount of time it's taken to get the evolution out onto the market I had considered getting a Hawkeye instead but I prefer to stick with what I know and trust and I'm not too happy about the price to get the Hawkeye completely unlocked for all models. I don't have to pay for this with my proffesional equipment and think it's a rip-off to do it to manufacturer specific sytems. Working in the motortrade I prefer to give things time for any glitches to be ironed out too. I'm hoping that this whole arguement id just another glitch and that it will get ironed out. I do have one queery though. If we need to buy the unit 'direct from BBS' to be able to use the forum, I'm taking it that if I buy a unit from bell auto's I wouldn't get the forum support and would be in the same boat as those that bought the unit from Mattia a week ago?:confused:
Is it a BBS responcibility to provide a support forum for the legacy users tools ? since they have never had a forum for support anyway ? These tools were not in production when he took over nanocom.

I also have the old nanocom and have used many times, though ive not seen any bugs in the software on what ive used it on.
If i find any bugs or problems all i will do is send a email to and ask the question will it be fixed or not and ill know my answer its easy really. Or if anyone knows of any then send the email and guage the reply, from that jugement can be made farely towards bbs and its new support structure.

Regarding updates, i got it that long agao and it was so cheap id not expect anything new to be added to it as its now a discontinued item. so it would not be fare to expect new functions to be added. Though im not saying they wont be, im just thinking out loud.

If a support forum for the legacy model users is so needy then surley someone public can set one up them selfs or it could be made as a addon to an existing forum as a new section, but personally i dont think its needed. The tool does what it says on the tin so why would a forum be needed for something that works ? there would be nothing to talk about.

fanatic, are you sure you are not the spammer lol you got 10k posts heheh. geees you can type to get that ammount of posts. Its about 95 posts per week :)

Unfortunately, there is LOTS of bugs in the original Nanocom software, and according to Mattia, he was in the process of doing one final update / fix to sort them out as well as adding the autobox and airbags for the D2 to the V1 unit. I doubt this will happen now, its a shame because I like the tool, but the Hawkeye is looking more and more desirable.

I cannot see why Mattia could not be "allowed" to continue to finish of this last update for V1, wont cost BBS anything to allow that and as far as support goes why not an area for V1 users to contact direct, Mattia himself could even moderate it, not rocket science.
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Unfortunately, there is LOTS of bugs in the original Nanocom software, and according to Mattia, he was in the process of doing one final update / fix to sort them out as well as adding the autobox and airbags for the D2 to the V1 unit. I doubt this will happen now, its a shame because I like the tool, but the Hawkeye is looking more and more desirable.

I cannot see why Mattia could not be "allowed" to continue to finish of this last update for V1, wont cost BBS anything to allow that and as far as support goes why not an area for V1 users to contact direct, Mattia himself could even moderate it, not rocket science.

My "guess" would be that Mattia has sold out, BBS wants rid of old non-BBS equipment and just want to sell new stuff with one less competitor. This is not at all new in the business world - it's just a matter of geting rid of the opposition - but I might be completely wrong;);););)
My "guess" would be that Mattia has sold out, BBS wants rid of old non-BBS equipment and just want to sell new stuff with one less competitor. This is not at all new in the business world - it's just a matter of geting rid of the opposition - but I might be completely wrong;);););)

FFS you guys! It's business - and its tough out there. BBS found an opportunity to increase their market share. I know nothing about BBS or Nanocom, but I would love someone to buy my business. If you have spent years building a business (and by the way you keep mentioning Mattia by name, he must have a huge involvement in his business), what is your ultimate ambition? To pass it on to family or to sell it for a good price and retire in comfort! I do not, as said previously, know Mattia, but this must have been a good deal for him. BBS have no obligation to do anything. They could have bought Nanocom and just let it sink without trace. Tough! They may have a moral obligation, as none of us like to buy something that is immediately obsolete, but do you whinge about IBM no longer supporting the PS2 or Commodore not supporting the C64? No.
Assume that BBS are going to let the Nanocom quietly die. They might use the name. They might bring out their own "Nanocom" which may be a revised Mattia developed product, or it might be a "Nanocom" in name only - they obviously have the rights to the name.
We will have to wait and see.
I agree with Fanny that BBS does not loose a trick in promoting his products under the guise of "helping", but I dont blame him - I wish I could promote CCS :nospamhere: as well or successfully. It is down to the Mods and the owners to decide what is spamming and what is a necessary evil, to have a very knowledgable person on board.
His name is in red, so he must pay something towards this forum. Whether that is enough, whether he ought to pay more, or even have a dedicated forum??? is up to the owners. Other Fora have manufacturers sub forums. we could too.
We may whinge, but BBS will do what they want to promote their products. You have to decide whether yu wish to accept what help they are prepared to give and suffer the promotional aspects, or whether you **** him off sufficiently to not do anythng on here.
BBS has to comply with the european consumer laws! Cyprus became a member from the european community in 2004.

BBS took over Nanocom ( products, website, software, warranty, customer support, production, existing stock and distribution) completely. By law they are fully responsible for warranty claims and support of products sold before they bought Nanocom. User's in the european community are protected!
BBS has to comply with the european consumer laws! Cyprus became a member from the european community in 2004.

BBS took over Nanocom ( products, website, software, warranty, customer support, production, existing stock and distribution) completely. By law they are fully responsible for warranty claims and support of products sold before they bought Nanocom. User's in the european community are protected!

I agree - but only as far as their legal obligations arise. Whats that - one year parts and workmanship? They are maintaining that they are offering the same level of support as previous. They are under no obligation to provide a better level of support as is being suggested here. You know, and so do I, that it is very easy to mike life difficult for a customer to such an extent that the customer gives up (tried phoning NTL recently) - then they can say (tongue in cheek) "They is no call for it".
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FFS you guys! It's business - and its tough out there. BBS found an opportunity to increase their market share.

Hi MHM, don't quite know why you are getting so excited, that's exactly what I said - it's just business.

But I can say that calmly as I chose to buy Hawkeye - I can imagine Nanocom owners being rather more disturbed by the change, but when buying from one-man-bands, this sort of thing can happen.

Assuming the poster who spoke of European trading regulations is correct - I don't know - then BBS should be supporting existing users, but there's no money in it for them.
Minimum warranty in the EU is 2 years. In every EU country is a european consumer center ECC) and you can file a complaint there. This is only for products bought in the EU by EU citizans.
I am not excited - to be honest it doesnt affect me one bit, as I dont have Rangie or anything that would need one of these bits of kit (they dont work on Disco1 200TDi's do they?). I was agreeing with you and saying that all this bluster is unnecessary. BBS are doing no more or less than any other company would do.
fanactic, me selling bbs tools is not why im here, and ive not ever spammed about them either. The posts ive made regarding the nanocom support are for the forum benifit not mine i dont need the support my tool works !

BBS have now decided to keep it fare for ALL owners that any tools sold will have the EXACT same support as if it were got from Nanocom direct, and that support for ALL is now only via the web site and the Nanocom email of which will be answered by Mattia or BBS staffvdepending on the needs of the customer.

This way every one gets the same level of support no matter what tool they have, version type or where it was pruchased from or even the ammount paid, every one will be the same.

I can also Clarify as ive just had a 2 hr long conversation with BBS about this whole thing and that EVERY nanocom owner ANY tool can use the support he does not care what tool you have they will always try and support it even if its no longer in production etc etc.

But why tool owners could not have asked these questions them selfs directly instead of assuming the worst i dont know.

Anyway, dont shoot the messanger of what i think is very good and fare news for all owners.

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The problem is that Nanocom as a brand is probably dead for existing users who will switch to something else when they get fed up with the problems/issues with the unit they have.

I can remember emailing Mattia when we first got our V8 and asking about the situation with Nanocom and the V8, but he was unable to offer anything firm, just a promise that he was looking into it.

Time has moved on, and although I don't 'need' a Nanocom or Hawkeye or other unit, you can guess where I will not be going when I do finally get to spend the money, and that is where BBS are going to lose.

If it becomes VIN-locked or you have to buy umpteen modules to work it, then the market will just reject it.

The interface electronics is not super-clever, ELM produce the chip for the OBDII interface and what IS clever is the software to access the stored codes and to get into the CAN bus (if needed) etc etc.

That is good news; and, i would say, good business sense - to only have to one one business model for support.
It is a pity that BBSGuy did not pick up on that - instead of being shouted at - he could have picked up a few brownie points.
Colin Whittall £5?:p

Oh and Bellautos, I take it your PETE? your nominet registration is incorrectly registered as a non trading individual-they are quite clear that you can't opt out as a company and will be contacting you to rectify it
Nominet - Opt Out

It is of course important to remain accurate and tell people the whole story

Thanks for that, ill await their email with correction instructions.

I can remember emailing Mattia when we first got our V8 and asking about the situation with Nanocom and the V8, but he was unable to offer anything firm, just a promise that he was looking into it.

This is my point, Mattia could not give the support needed in some cases as he was not able to offer the answers needed for reasons he knows. At least now the support and bug fixes will be delt with faster and with more people behind it to give that support.

If it becomes VIN-locked or you have to buy umpteen modules to work it, then the market will just reject it.

And this was also one of the clarifications i made while on the phone to bbs , its NOT going to get vin locked, it will stay as nanocom made it open to any vin.

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