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Originally Posted by BBS Guy
No worries Madtom & Arragon, most happy to help you as i am with almost any Nanocom owner.

What a rude pious prat you are! You obviously can't handle criticism.
Everyone who pays you money, including the OP, should get equal treatment, irrespective! I find your attitude extremely offensive.


Source: ALRO

They are getting the hang off it down under!



See Mr "I'm considerably richer than you" could have quietly emailed you and if he couldn't sort it instantly made a gesture towards a spare part.

Reason I ran him off here is his spam sales and **** poor customer service!-I make no apology.

I'm glad you have a resolution and I would suggest you highlight your dealings with BBS/Colin on the forum you posted quotes from.
Hiya Madtom

It seems the Set tested function in the Nanocom system inadvertently also clears the set calibrated flag, resulting the ECU behaving as a Virgin one.

This will obviously be fixed in the next firmware upgrades.
In the meantime, you simply need to aways to run the two accelerometer calibrations and the set calibrated function after using the Set tested one
MD of Blackbox Solutions Ltd.

He posts that and doesn't do you the courtesy of at least mailing you a copy?

What a complete ****er.
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ds23man and circlework.
You have both been infracted for personal attacks on BBSGuy.
Please do not resort to attacking the person in further posts.

Posts are deleted! Nice forum.

Regards Gerhard
And my last and final post on ALRO:

Originally Posted by LandyAndy
ds23man and circlework.
You have both been infracted for personal attacks on BBSGuy.
Please do not resort to attacking the person in further posts.

So you where in the Nanocom Evolution deal????

This is my last post here, moderator's who are deleting links to respected newspapers with public information about convicted criminals should watch the news better, dictatorship will not last long. See the middel East!
I fully understand your frustration etc with the whole situation, but you also have to accept the fact that a big percentange of forums / message boards simply dont allow the type of "abuse" that is not censored here at all....
I fully understand your frustration etc with the whole situation, but you also have to accept the fact that a big percentange of forums / message boards simply dont allow the type of "abuse" that is not censored here at all....

It wasn't abuse, but a factually accurate posting that Colin /BBS guy did nine months for car clocking:D and then moved to cyprus
You are correct, Hence the word "abuse" was in inverted comma's........

The point is, that "type" of post is simply frowned upon "elsewhere"......what happens on here is down to the mods to allow etc.........but if im honest judging by some of the signatures on here anything goes.

In todays "world" people have to be more careful what they say / type / post, I know its not how it should be, but it is and we have to live with it.
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the story of the NC EVO even goes on in Germany!

I use a Nanocom Evolution since half a year.
I did not ruin a ACE ECU yet, but I or better the NC ruined three main ECUs.
After getting the checksum, just before starting to remap it announces: MAP Program Error.
After restarting the process without turning of the ignition it says something like: WAS NOT ABLE TO PERFORM THIS FUNCTION.
From this piont I did not have any chance to communicate with the ECU.
We had twice to solder in a new EEPROM to get the TD5 going again.
Once we were able to remap the ECU with the old NC.
The problem occured with different maps and different vehicules.
Therefor I believe it is a bug in the Nanocom.
Right now I'm a kind of afraid to use the NC because it lost its reliability to me!

I contacted NC ended up at BBS.
A had certain emailcontact so far but not realy satisfying.
I was told that the problem might depend to maps I use oder the voltage of the car or they are considering a user-mistake.
BBS offered me that I should send the device to Cyprus that they check it.
But they told me more than three times that they were asking for a NON-FAULT-FOUND-FEE if they don't find the reason for the problems.
Non-fault-Found-Fee, that is the best word i heared for a while!:D

Are the corresponding experiences over there?



Landrover - Die private Plattform für alle Landrover-Freunde.
If you email me your map files I'll verify the usability.
As said by BBS if not correct they will fail and damage the ECU. As can battery voltage if it's low.

:mad::mad::mad::mad:Here's a simple question, Will BBS now support Nanocom evo's that were purchased before they took over, with updates and bug fixes? So far from what I have found they hasn't had any updates and as far as I can see Maitia is now working for BBS. Still very poor customer support, so in six months nothing appears to have changed. BBS's position still is older nancom customers can go it alone, if you see the older posts from jan 2011...bbsguy said as much, and he appears to be sticking to his guns on this. Best to give BBS and Nanocom a wide birth and go for the Hawkeye. this from a nonocom evo owner, one of my worst buys.:doh:
:mad::mad::mad::mad:Here's a simple question, Will BBS now support Nanocom evo's that were purchased before they took over, with updates and bug fixes? So far from what I have found they hasn't had any updates and as far as I can see Maitia is now working for BBS. Still very poor customer support, so in six months nothing appears to have changed. BBS's position still is older nancom customers can go it alone, if you see the older posts from jan 2011...bbsguy said as much, and he appears to be sticking to his guns on this. Best to give BBS and Nanocom a wide birth and go for the Hawkeye. this from a nonocom evo owner, one of my worst buys.:doh:

I can see and know deep down you may have to eat your words in the future, and so will most other members.
I cant wait to quote on my previous posts that i said all will be ok , be paitent and stop the unneeded worry and public panic :)

BBS products have and always have been supported with updates and nanocom wont be any different to that, just because no new updates have been posted do you think that its over ?

I really wish some members and users had half an idea of what it takes to provide an update or a fix and not just think "its easy" and all you have to do it post a download link. But most forget that all updates need to be tested, all faults reported need investigation of location then fixing.

But what you all seem to forget is that BBS didnt make the nanocom firmware in the first place, so BBS have to learn how its been done already, understand it, find any faults, repair them, provide and test updates etc etc.

How could you expect updates any sooner given the work needed to create them and the take over situation from nanocom to BBS ?

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@ Pete,

thank You very much for this friendly offer.
I'am giong to check which Maps I used and be back to You soon!
But I do not believe that it was up to the Maps, because I used the same Maps on the same device also succesfully.
Also I do not think that the problem depends to the voltage because in one of the cases I had a charger on the battery for safety and in one case we were able to remap the ECU with the old NC directly after the bad event happened also without charger.

@ Colin, Ron and other user of this nice forum:,
I'm not really used to unfriendly and particully disparaging speeches not in the internet and not on my personal EMail account!
But if this is the way You do it over there I probably get used to it!

My intention with this contribution was and still is to find the reason why the NC Evo is sometimes not doing its work.
I just want to have a device with a 100% reliability and not a reliability by chance.
Therefore I tried to collect experiences of other users with this device.

Regards Horst
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@ Pete,

thank You very much for this friendly offer.
I'am giong to check which Maps I used and be back to You soon!
But I do not believe that it was up to the Maps, because I used the same Maps on the same device also succesfully.
Also I do not think that the problem depends to the voltage because in one of the cases I had a charger on the battery for safety and in one case we were able to remap the ECU with the old NC directly after the bad event happened also without charger.

@ Colin, Ron and other user of this nice forum:,
I'm not really used to unfriendly and particully disparaging speeches not in the internet and not on my personal EMail account!
But if this is the way You do it over there I probably get used to it!

My intention with this contribution was and still is to find the reason why the NC Evo is sometimes not doing its work.
I just want to have a device with a 100% reliability and not a reliability by chance.
Therefore I tried to collect experiences of other users with this device.

Regards Horst

If you have had what you believe to be threatening, abusive or intimidating pm's or emails then either click on the red triangle in the top right of them or forward them on to the admins/mods of LZ.;):)
@ Pete,

thank You very much for this friendly offer.
I'am giong to check which Maps I used and be back to You soon!
But I do not believe that it was up to the Maps, because I used the same Maps on the same device also succesfully.
Also I do not think that the problem depends to the voltage because in one of the cases I had a charger on the battery for safety and in one case we were able to remap the ECU with the old NC directly after the bad event happened also without charger.

@ Colin, Ron and other user of this nice forum:,
I'm not really used to unfriendly and particully disparaging speeches not in the internet and not on my personal EMail account!
But if this is the way You do it over there I probably get used to it!

My intention with this contribution was and still is to find the reason why the NC Evo is sometimes not doing its work.
I just want to have a device with a 100% reliability and not a reliability by chance.
Therefore I tried to collect experiences of other users with this device.

Regards Horst

Being fair Bellauto's has sung the party line about BBS, but then pete is a dealer.

Now if he is prepared to help you then that is good news and I hope he can help you out.

If Colin (BBS GUY) Black Box Solutions is giving you abuse I'm sure we'd all like to see it stop.

Personally the fair thing to do was legacy support for nanocom, as I said before- when suggested Colin acted likes a spoilt child and throws all his toys out the pram.

All I ever saw when Colin came on here was spam sales talk and egotistical behaviour.

Therefore I wouldn't buy anything off BBS
I can see and know deep down you may have to eat your words in the future, and so will most other members.
I cant wait to quote on my previous posts that i said all will be ok , be paitent and stop the unneeded worry and public panic :)

BBS products have and always have been supported with updates and nanocom wont be any different to that, just because no new updates have been posted do you think that its over ?

I really wish some members and users had half an idea of what it takes to provide an update or a fix and not just think "its easy" and all you have to do it post a download link. But most forget that all updates need to be tested, all faults reported need investigation of location then fixing.

But what you all seem to forget is that BBS didnt make the nanocom firmware in the first place, so BBS have to learn how its been done already, understand it, find any faults, repair them, provide and test updates etc etc.

How could you expect updates any sooner given the work needed to create them and the take over situation from nanocom to BBS ?


True BellAuto as a uk distributor of nanocon/BBS i would expect nothing else from you....this is the same rhetoric you said at the start of this post in Jan, and as for time lets not forget BBS has the original creator of the nanocom so they are not starting from development time will not be that now six month later what do we see.....Nothing...think that speaks volumes....

I cant help but think as a distributor you are trying to keep up sales, but the real voice of BBS has spoken.....BBsguy....and as he owns the company his view prevail over your attempt to shoulder up sales after such a customer relations debacle. Time has told.....he has done exactly as he said he support for nanocom evo unless bought via BBs.

I would be delighted to be wrong....I wouldn't have waisted £300 pounds buying one.....and for my troubles getting a unit I cant depend upon.

If BBs was serious...they could have offered Legacy users the chance at a reasonable price to buy into there support contract....have you seen any such offers....please let me know if you have, then at least that might start to prove me wrong. As for causing worry and needless panic...I feel anybody considering buying from BBS should be aware of the history behind this company and Then make the choice to buy or not with and informed mind, as to the BBs owner's approach to customer service.

I note that after the original posts he said he would not be taking part in this forum ever again....he seems to have stuck to that...he regarded this forum and those Landrover owners that contribute with contempt and now you sing there praises.....if he has had a change of heart I would like him to be a stand-up sort and say it on here and not leave it to your empty words. let us hear this support from the owner not his sales guy.
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I'd like to step back one pace.

I suspect what most Discovery and Defender owners want is a reliable diagnostic device at a realistic, affordable price so they can work on their own cars.

With this in mind and considering that the two main contenders are Nano EVO and Hawkeye, how do they both stack up in terms of reliability in the hands of owner/operators?

Have Hawkeye owners had any reliability issues/damage cause to their vehicles? Not to my knowledge.

What about Nano owners? Have any of them recorded any problems/damage? Well I think all of us who have followed this debate know the answer to that - which is why ANY delay in bringing out corrective updates could be interpreted as a company who doesn't care sufficiently, to justify further support from the marketplace.
It my again,

I'm not so into the details of a Hawkeye, but can You remap ECUs with it?
I do not care what the name of the device is i use, but i want to one that works when ever I want.
Of course I do have a spare Ecu but I do not want to stand somewhere in the middle of nowhere after I had the idea o remap my Ecu in the middle of the night and build in the spare Ecu.
So fare I'am considered I try to get a old NC.
Ok this is suppossed to have its own bugs but the Evo appears as a little unpredictable to me!

Regard Horst
It my again,

I'm not so into the details of a Hawkeye, but can You remap ECUs with it?
I do not care what the name of the device is i use, but i want to one that works when ever I want.
Of course I do have a spare Ecu but I do not want to stand somewhere in the middle of nowhere after I had the idea o remap my Ecu in the middle of the night and build in the spare Ecu.
So fare I'am considered I try to get a old NC.
Ok this is suppossed to have its own bugs but the Evo appears as a little unpredictable to me!

Regard Horst

Hello Horst. I have Version 4 of Hawkeye and I think I'm right in saying you can't do it with that. Version 5 has just come out, I've got the disc but haven't loaded it yet so I don't know if it will be included.

What I don't understand is why you feel you would need this loading of new maps facility?

Hiya Pete.

I forget how many times i have mentioned to you that some members of this particular forum simply do not seem to appreciate our presence and being kept in the first generation information loop. Hence i myself just do not bother here anymore. :eek:

Although i really do admire your wilingness and persistance on their behalf, but as you see from recent comments, it's really just a waste of your time that you will also ultimately find, as i have, is really better spent elsewhere. :doh:

Even although you are bang up to speed an all BBS developments and offer a second line information source, you are also clearly also not appreciated here and must now also realise that you are better leaving members on this board well alone to imagine what they will.

Please just let them think that they chased you off or whatever else serves your purporse, as i did, but either way, as you and i know, we really do have many much bigger things to worry about.

On that note, i just got a couple of PM's on another forum from chaps willing to join the Beta test program for 2.06 i have offered there and they both have V8 Petrol Automatics :cool:
Hiya Pete.

I forget how many times i have mentioned to you that some members of this particular forum simply do not seem to appreciate our presence and being kept in the first generation information loop. Hence i myself just do not bother here anymore. :eek:

Although i really do admire your wilingness and persistance on their behalf, but as you see from recent comments, it's really just a waste of your time that you will also ultimately find, as i have, is really better spent elsewhere. :doh:

Even although you are bang up to speed an all BBS developments and offer a second line information source, you are also clearly also not appreciated here and must now also realise that you are better leaving members on this board well alone to imagine what they will.

Please just let them think that they chased you off or whatever else serves your purporse, as i did, but either way, as you and i know, we really do have many much bigger things to worry about.

On that note, i just got a couple of PM's on another forum from chaps willing to join the Beta test program for 2.06 i have offered there and they both have V8 Petrol Automatics :cool:

How nice for you, your an egotistical convicted criminal and **** poor attitude back here again- go spam else where.

If people want your product they can find you via Google, but be warned people there are other products out there not backed by a convicted car clocker who has attitude problem. just look on google for BBS guy or BBS spy
Oh and Bell auto's seems to give better support than the manufacturer speaks volumes, someone has a problem so BBS Guy attacks them for valid criticism.

Pays your money and takes your chance, but BBS only comes here to spam market their vin locked products

Pete from Bell Auto's will be along shortly for damage limitation and more sales speak.
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