
New Member
had problem twice so for on 53 plate td5 hand brake ,traction control and abs all on at once while driving.did what every one does did a power cycle ye turned it on and off ,which got rid of hand brake and tc light .abs light went off after a few minutes.any ideas and can i expect a large repair bill any time soon............!:confused:
The ABS and the TC are controlled by the same (SLABS)ECU located behind the passenger glove box, it also controls your air suspension, albeit on a secondary circuit.
I believe that this ecu is capable of recording faults (someone please clarify?) it may be worth getting it read?

As far as I am aware, the handbrake indicator light has no intellegence behind it and is just a switch to operate the light on the dashboard.

If they all light up simutaniously and originate from different circuits then it could suggest that the fault could be in the instrument binnacle pack. if it happens again, hit it with a cricket bat till they all go out!
Try disconnecting the battery, does like a normal pc if it gives a problem, power off and on, it worked on other vehicles that i have had.
I have had the same issue on a 2000 TD5. I guess the computer needs to be read? Or is there something that a mere spanner head can do? maybe look at all ABS sensors?
well guys thanks for the advice i'll have a good butchers in the morning.can anyone else remember when they gave an engine four wheels two yard of wire and if yer where lucky just temp two sensors and when it stopped a good wack would fix it,happy days..........!
have you thought about hitting the brakes really hard to see if your ABS is working, even though you are getting rouge errors?
well did consider that but the way my lucks going didn't think it was that wise,went to jump in my baby (the disco don't get excited guys) only to fine some toe rag took a shine to my paint job when i was out last night ,they thought it was that nice they added there own art work on a n/s wing and both doors,personally didn't think it needed a speed strip........!
deepest sympathy mate
miserable, spineless jealous bastards. hope you fix your current problem all the best:confused:
thanks for that mate the way things are going just waitin for the bloody dog to bite me next,that should just about top it off.got an idea who got my ears to the ground waitin for a nod ,may have to nip round for a chat in his shell like.social scrounging druggy family who think the world owes em a living,if they earned what they got they might think differntly(thats if they actually are capable of thinking)
hi same problems with my disc tc abs hill decent lights on and off about a year.
they are on all the time ,had it read by local landrover .but was not impreressed he said may be a brake ina wire need it in for a day .
any how taking it back in will let you know.

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