Hi Tillytomp

Do not forget you will also need:

Radio Mount
Antennae mount
Cable inc fittings
SWR meter.

You may be better getting a complete system from somewhere like thunderpole or similar.

yeah i know, just ddint want to spend that much on a new system only to be used once,
if it was my daily drive instead of SWMBO then i would have it fitted , but she dont want it, cant see a problem myself:oops:
Whenever I have had mine switched on while driving it has been very quiet, not many people seem to use it now.
Do truckers even use CB now?

I just found one in the back of my new 110 which I'll be wiring up to see what happens... There's plenty on ebay for reasonable money. If nothing else it'll be fun to leave on while travelling and see if anything comes up or might even get another so I have 2 way for when the zombies come lol
There's one the same as mine on Ebay for about £20, it's a dnt and feels like a solid bit of kit, but I literally know nothing about them... Pleased to find it under a pile of crap in the back though lol

i didnt want to spent to much as only really needed for a day, to see if there are still people around, Paid £35.00 for rig, power lead, mag mount and inc postage so, i dont really mind if it never gets used againg for that money
I bought a hand held one two years ago for a Morocco trip so we could communicate within the group. Tried it a few times here in France and all I got were a load of what I think are Polish truckers chatting in Polish.

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