You're digging a hole mate. If she did get shirty, can you really blame her? I'm not into women's lib an' all that, but if I saw your little 'funny' about -

Nice guys finish last ... Awesome guys finish on her face

- reckon I'd get a tad annoyed too. Is that really appropriate for a family forum like LZ, I think not?

The point is, for a new poster you (and others to a lesser extent) weren't exactly welcoming. She obviously missed the bit about having to post 50 times before her wanted request would be accepted, so pointing that out 'in a nice way' would have been more suitable. Blue Beasty managed it okay, why couldn't you? Good manners cost nothing.
digging a hole mate. If she did get shirty, can you really blame her? I'm not into women's lib an' all that, but if I saw your little 'funny' about -

Nice guys finish last ... Awesome guys finish on her face

- reckon I'd get a tad annoyed too. Is that really appropriate for a family forum like LZ, I think not?

Duly noted.

I'll happily change my avatar if it's deemed unsuitable and offensive. :)

point is, for a new poster you (and others to a lesser extent) weren't exactly welcoming. She obviously missed the bit about having to post 50 times before her wanted request would be accepted, so pointing that out 'in a nice way' would have been more suitable. Blue Beasty managed it okay, why couldn't you? Good manners cost nothing.

I'm afraid I shan't apologise for the content of my postings. And as for digging a hole? WTF are you on about?
PROPMAN, you could benefit from Tom's advice - with it, you may even finally get to finish on a girls face, since we all know you've never managed that (computer screens don't count!).

Apology accepted, though.
Now back to painting my nails and baking pies...
PROPMAN, you could benefit from Tom's advice - with it, you may even finally get to finish on a girls face, since we all know you've never managed that (computer screens don't count!).

Apology accepted, though.
Now back to painting my nails and baking pies...

We all know?

You been spying on the wife and I again? :eek:

Perhaps you and Tom are well suited after all
PROPMAN, you could benefit from Tom's advice - with it, you may even finally get to finish on a girls face, since we all know you've never managed that (computer screens don't count!).

Apology accepted, though.
Now back to painting my nails and baking pies...

What I'm a bit disturbed about is the 'family friendly' aspect. I have a look at Landyzone to get away from family issues, and I'd be most concerned if I found a relative on here. It's that says it is 'the family friendly Land Rover forum', so at least you can keep away from it if you want to. I wonder who they could possibly be comparing themselves to?
He's only getting on his high horse because it was a woman posting.
He remained quiet long enough after every other poster questioned why they couldn't add to the wanted section. :rolleyes:
Not because she's a female, simply because she was newbie. Anyway, said my bit so done and dusted Propman, and as she can clearly defend herself (loved the "Now back to painting my nails and baking pies... " comment), I'll say no more.
Not because she's a female, simply because she was newbie. Anyway, said my bit so done and dusted Propman, and as she can clearly defend herself (loved the "Now back to painting my nails and baking pies... " comment), I'll say no more.

Whatever fella. :blabla:

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