Yes we should have stopped for a chat. Hope you had a good day.

Yeh i wasnt sure if it was you guys or not!! otherwise i would of jumped out and said hello!!

We had a brilliant day up until my water pump gave up and shredded my Aux belt! A tow from my fellow laner to the end of the track and the recovery truck was called.
Mine went home on a truck too. Blown head gasket. Oh well it'll be ready for the next run out.
finally gave up the ghost then?

mines been showing the hand brake warning light since - the brakes ok just a warning light :)
Yes buddy, I think a day spent around Nant-y-Moch is in order.

Ohhhhhhhhh yes we will just let me fix mine and sort out a few things 1st an I'll be ready :cool: ohhh yeah the evo said thank **** he's not drivin home :D lol na good fun on da way there and back :cool: flat out all da way
Well mine isn't exactly roadworthy at the moment either. So as soon as possible we'll be out again.

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