just topped up on used filtered veggie. 55p/l. drives and smells lovely at 70% !

anyone running 100% on a 200tdi ???
Yar, ah'no! I went in there yesterday, bastids!

Booker online are still advertisin 15 litre bottles for about £8 but dunno if that's still available.
Yar, ah'no! I went in there yesterday, bastids!

Booker online are still advertisin 15 litre bottles for about £8 but dunno if that's still available.

I meant to get down there to stock up this week but never got a chance. (hence popping into lidls today. It' only over the road). I just hope I get down there before they change brands again. Sometimes they have additives so it aint no good. Other times it is 100% pure. It depends on what they're getting in on a week by week basis.
Has anyone fitted one of these units?

I have fitted one heater before the deisel filter,one also before the bosch injection pump.

Let me tell you this and everybody else as a warning from past experiences.

Yes your LR will run on veggie/deisel quite happily for a few thousand miles and you think everything is rosey.

Wait untill it all goes wrong!!!!!!!!!

Without preheaters cold veggie is trying to get through your pump/injectors/pipes and eventually unburnt oil builds up in your cyclinders it is a time bomb thing.

When eventually the crunch comes then it aint cheep,all the money you have saved suddenly gets wiped out.
Read up on polymerisation on webby and read it and weep.

Before anybody says "MINES OK/ WELL IV'E BEEN RUNNING/ E.T.C.
we dont all have the same car do we?????

This is just a warning of what could happen without preheaters and thinning agents,deisel mixed is not sufficient alone.
We all have a freedom of choice and we all have to suffer the consequences of that choice sometimes.

So did this awful thing actually happen to you, or have you personally known anyone it has happened to, or are you just suggesting that it might happen coz you read something about it on the internet, written most likely by the people who sell these pre-heater things?

We might all get wiped out by an asteroid but i ain't too bothered about it!
So did this awful thing actually happen to you, or have you personally known anyone it has happened to, or are you just suggesting that it might happen coz you read something about it on the internet, written most likely by the people who sell these pre-heater things?

We might all get wiped out by an asteroid but i ain't too bothered about it!

YES!!! i suffered the awful thing.

By the way theres nothing that you can fit to a LR to avoid asteroids but a good cream always helps.

Preheaters can avoid disaster but i dont think they are particularily good at asteroid avoidence:)
I've done in the region of 10 thousand miles now and I know people who've been using veg oil for years and have done many tens of thousands on it. I don't know anyone who's ever had a heater of any kind. I also don't know anyone who's had a breakdown as a result of using veg oil.
Shurley one of these preheaters ain't gonna stop this polymerisation thing, the pre-heater will just make it go through the pump and injectors a bit easier (except they don't even do that) - they don't change the chemical make-up of the veg oil which is what this polymerisation claim is, it's still the same thing burning in the cylinders and a few extra degrees of temperature when it's going in ain't gonna change the way it burns!

It's all a load of hot air if you ask me!
so's any body runnin 100% veg oil ? I'm runnin 50/50 jist now but was thinkin of goin higher % but was a bit worried about when it gets cold up here in jockland.
Evening chaps.
Well this weekend i put 20 litres of diesel and 40 litres of SVO.
To be honest it starts up a bit rough!!!!
But couple mins later no probs.
If anything the car has more power.

I am worried as there is a lot of conflicting info out there on the tinternet.
Will keep you posted throughout this week.
I've been running 80/20 veg/derv no problem in me 200tdi. With the price of veg oil havin gone stupid lately I'm going ti try 95% veg 5% petrol. Won't need to fill up til the end of the week by then I'l probably need to re-mortgage to fill the fooker with diesel. 95/5 veg thinned with petrol will still work out at 119p/l but better than 130something for diesel.
I is of the same opinion:D

Like i say it's freedom of choice, im not telling anybody, not to do anything merely warning from experience.

The fact that other people have had no problems,did;nt help me at all.

I appreciate the help this forum gives.
But if someone else has an unfortunate problem,will one of you doubting jonas hold your hand up and be responsible.?????? no i did'nt think so:)
Like i say it's freedom of choice, im not telling anybody, not to do anything merely warning from experience.

The fact that other people have had no problems,did;nt help me at all.

I appreciate the help this forum gives.
But if someone else has an unfortunate problem,will one of you doubting jonas hold your hand up and be responsible.?????? no i did'nt think so:)

Was merely telling of my experience with veg oil and that of some of my mates. Wasn't doubting what you are saying, just expressing my own opinions on the subject. No one should take any notice of what I say any more than they should of anything else they read on the net.
The only reason I have any interest in veg oil at all is to try and save a few quid. The way things are going it's going to wind up the same price as diesel which will render all this discusion irrelevant anyway.
Was merely telling of my experience with veg oil and that of some of my mates. Wasn't doubting what you are saying, just expressing my own opinions on the subject. No one should take any notice of what I say any more than they should of anything else they read on the net.
The only reason I have any interest in veg oil at all is to try and save a few quid. The way things are going it's going to wind up the same price as diesel which will render all this discusion irrelevant anyway.

Bloody right matey,you have hit it right on the head.:) :)
Government will get on to it soon enough and tax the bolloxs of us.

The only reason i use it is to cut running costs.

By the way to the guy who wanted to know what heating system i am using,it is a VOW system with two preheaters,one before the deisel filter and one before the Bosch pump.:)
so how do you know it wasn't something else that caused yer 'time bomb' and why are you so sure it was the veggie oil?

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