
New Member
Hiya to all you out there, I am hopeing someone can give me some advice, please.
I have a RR Vogue 2002 with LPG conversion, and I have 3 problems.

1 My steerin wheel shakes when braking - when I go 40mph or more. I have had 4 new wheels and tyres, and my garage has checked the brak disc and pads. I can't feel the shaking through my foot when braking only the stiring wheel - any ideas?

2 A humming noise, at first I put it down to road noise then it became more fequent, I have had the torque convertor done, everything has been fine for about 4/5 months, now the humming has returned????

3 Engine management light - this use to come on and off, were told that it was to done with running the car on LPG, the reading on the machine said lambda sensor, since having the torque converor done the ligh wont do off at all. I have had my garage check that the senors are all wired in correctly and nothing is in the wrong place, he says all seems find, the only other thing is to replace all 4 senors at £200 each plus labour! but even that isn't
guaranteed to solve the problem - how can I just disconnect the light? or has anyone got any ideas - apart from selling the car, as thats what I'm thinking at the moment.
Thanks for your help.
1) is almost certainly warped brake discs. There's no direct connection between your brake pedal and the brakes, so you won't feel the shaking through your foot. How did the garage check the discs, and did they check anything else?
I agree, brake discs first call. Get them to remove the wheel and use a dti with a mag mount and see how much warp there is. A DTI gauge will pick it up even if the eye can't see it.
Humming may be wheel/hub bearings, if so, should get worse when steering one way or another.
Did your garage check all four disks? It certainly sounds like a warped disk. The rears can cause problems just as much as the fronts.

You say you've had new wheels and tyres.

What wheels have been fitted? If they're off a later RR, then you will need spiggott rings to centre them properly on the hubs. This problem usually manifests itself as vibration at about 65mph though.
Have to agree with the rest over brake discs, as regards to the engine mgmt light and LPG i have a 2000 vogue with LPG and no lights so it sounds like it could be a issue with the LPG mixture settings. I may be wrong but when you put it in for an LPG service ask them to check it.

Re - rumble it may be the prop shaft joints.

I'm no mechanic but it would be the first things i check.

yes without a doubt you need new brake discs, not from main dealer though. far too expensive. would love to put it on my scanner and see why the lights are not going off. what area are you in?? does help if you add it to your profile.

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