I've only done a couple of things in CF, the first was just covering a binnacle so was pretty simple matter of painting it with resin, waiting for it to go tacky, streching the CF over it and recoating a couple of times with more resin. I think I flatted back then sprayed with lacquer so not much chance of it going wrong.
The second time I made a mould of some trim parts then used PVA and wax as a release agent. Being a complete cowboy though I didn't use infusion, I painted the mould with resin, waited for it to go tacky, laid in a layer of CF followed by woven roving and more CF, then painted with resin before putting the whole thing in a clothes vacuum shrink bag and sucking out the air with a vacuum cleaner. It worked surprisingly well and I made three sets of the trims this way but found all the sanding and spraying with lacquer a chore as I'm not very good at it.
Hence why I'm really interested in the process your going through. Any pics of the moulds being made?

BTW I noticed you have chequer plate on your bonnet. That would look wicked in CF.
And what resin are you using? My binnacle went a milky yellow after a while.
I aint doing chequer plate in cf hahahahah SOD THAT

Using a proper vacuum pump you can get really close to absolute vacuum. It makes a huge difference compared to using a um.... vacuum.... You know what i mean :)

Making the moulds is pretty easy, if a bit labourious. Im still on those sodding triangle bits for the 130. You can do it quicker, but then you spend lots of time on the finishing each induvidual component that comes out of the mould. If you make the moulds perfect, then each item "should" come out perfect and almost ready to fit. Ill do a step by step mould making at some point.
But you might save a whole Kg and it would only cost around £200 in CF.
Is that not a great idea?

OK maybe not. :p
As the discos off the road the wifes been using the 110 to take the kids to school in the mornings. I was wondering why it was listing to one side a little bit.....

robbed the wheels off it today for the 130 and found the rear spring mount on the chassis had sheared off and was basically being held on by the bead of weld on the top seam and resting up against the tub floor.

Yaayyy... more welding...

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