Thanks for the advice, decided to change the bottom mount anyway, new one has a weight on it? removed the sump guard and found the exaust support bracket fractured all the way round where it is welded to the pipe, looks like it had a botched welding job on it previously. Fitted the new mount and rewelded the bracket. I did a crap job as well, will do it properly when I do the head gasket, drivability vibration seems better, although I have not been far in it yet. pictures attached of new mount and broken exaust support bracket. see yaa:p


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How wrecked do I feel. After Tiny suffering the L series vibration at low revs on acceleration peoblem I have at last sorted it and it was Sooooo obvious!! After a good look at the front pipe mount there appeared to be a crack (yep - that simple). After removing the bolts the entire bracket fell off (done well for 160,000+ miles). Being the tight arse that I am I did not want to fork out for a new front pipe so purchased a nice peice of iron from B&Q, cut to size, drilled holes and bolted it to the remainder of the engine bracket. To secure it to the front pipe I used a standard exhaust bracket (the type they use to connect back boxes). Test driven and guess what...no vibration or horrible tinny buzzing sound. Take heed L series owners - if you get a vibration and buzzing at low revs that sounds like it has nothing to do with your exhaust - undo the bracket 1st!!!:D Yay - Tiny driving like new once again:D
Hi, i have a similar problem on my 98 1.8 petrol. I havent done an imense amount of investigation, but i recon its to do with the prop shaft or the IRD suppot mounting Bracket that is fractured. Anyway, as i have had enough, i'm brining it to LR dealer to check out. i'll let you know if they find anything.

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