
Well-Known Member
Hi all,

Yes its been a while since on. Lots been going on in the past few months. Not had time to think.

The L322 has been pretty good apart from dropping a drive shaft on the M3.

Both have been replaced and last week picked up a vibration between 50-70. Seems to be on the over run ( when you backnoff the throttle) and its started to grumble.

I suspect either the torque converter or diff.

Appreciate you.guys input, trust you lot more than anyone else.
Daft question,but was the center bearing changed ,and is it tight.....Ow is all the wheels balanced n tight .......;)
Got round giving it a spin today. No grumble now no fluctuations at 2000 running through sports and manual low ratio hard acceleration. Seems all good apart from at 75mph getting steering wheel shake

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