
New Member
On the way to shopw this morning the whole car started vibrating quite violently whenever i take her at over around 30mph. Recent engine oil and axle was drained etc etc though definitely refilled. Anyone got any ideas as to what this could be? Cheers
Hi- Checked wheel bearings this morning and all was fine. Seems to happen over 30mph when accellerating, but its fine when keeping speed at a constant :confused:
Check free play on swivel hubs that pre load is right,also check that your steering damper is not shot,maybe even wheel alignment.
hmmm, my dad had that trouble in an old bmw, but hapend when he went over 60mph. turned out to the shock absorbers apparantly.

as is usual it could be alot of things. so rather than completly baffle some poor bloke i try and give one or two options at a time. that way they don't get totally overwhelmed with info. let him check the easy and most common things first then hit him with the weird stuff.
its ok if you understand the stuff but if you don't , and lets face it thats why the question was asked in the first place, then all you do is put people off and they end up taking it to the main stealer.
Not sure yet, we havent done enough research. But the electrics could be a little iffy as well.
hate to say it but it actually is red! defo not taking it to the main stealer dont you worry! new guy on the farm next door was apparently a land rover mechanic, might get him to look over it. checked everything listed and still vibrating like hell. someone who drove it a few weeks ago told me today the diff lock on light came on when he was doing 70mph but went off again a few seconds later although it wasn't who knows yet! thanks for all the replies guys
Sounds nasty.. Propshafts?? Give 'em all a waggle, UJ's too.. if it's really bad, don't drive it until you've gone right over it.. I mean, if it's steering and something comes off you could be in the smelly.. Can you determine whether it's driveline related or engine - go up through the gears with transfer box in neutral.. Get four axle stands and run it up in the air.. (preferably with someone at the controls!!) whilst you look at it.

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