Wayne Benjamin

New Member
I recently bought a 2000 Freelander, I've seen many bad reviews on the vehicle overall and unfortunately the one I bought is somewhat of a lemon, so I'm feeling pretty bad all round. After correcting a few problems my mechanic now tells me that after a stress test the vehicle mysteriously shuts down when you come to a stop. It starts back fine like nothing ever happened, he goes through it with what seems to be a fine tooth comb but can't seem to figure out the problem. The vehicle has a problem now among a few where it revs too high, I especially notice this when coming to a stop, he says this is because of the air flow meter, could this be the root of this mysterious shut down?

Also the fan stopped coming in automatically and he had to rig it up so it just runs constantly, could anyone recomend a better way? But most importantly the shutting down problem.

My mechanic does not specialize in Freelanders or Land Rovers for that matter, he is a Subaru specialist. I know that could be a problem but this vehicle isn't that popular in my country, so since he's a really good mechanic who also fixed my Cedia I figured he was the best bet.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
Howardo, I don't even know right now. Things have gotten progressively worse since I originally posted. First it's not the Air Flow meter it's the throttle body, second I just fixed the AC to find out that that had put additional pressure on the engine which revealed an even greater problem, the head gasket is bad. When revving the car we noticed water coming out the muffler, and of course the car is overheating and the coolant reservoir gets dried up quickly, so in a nut shell I'm f@#$ed! I don't know if such language is allowed in these forums. Is it true that these cars are generally bad and they were discontinued, did I make a mistake and should have bought something else, are Land Rover Freelanders ****?! My wife said she saw many bad reviews on them.
All Freelanders aren't ****, just the petrol engined ones. It sounds like you have a 1.8 ltr. or a 2.5 ltr. v6 and they're prone to terminal Head Gasket problems among other things.
What other things? And do I need to get rid of it or is there hope after fixing it? Is this something to look forward to every six months? When I just got that car the first thing was, the radiator had a leak, then the inner CV joints gave out and the engine mounts were bad, then the rack arm(sp) gave out, then the fan stopped working , now it''s the head gasket. Other than that the left power window doesn't work, the fifth door doesn't open and a few other little things. Now other than the obvious fact that I bought a lemon, I'm just wondering, are all these problems like the head gasket? are they common among Freelanders, is this why it was discontinued?
What other things? And do I need to get rid of it or is there hope after fixing it? Is this something to look forward to every six months? When I just got that car the first thing was, the radiator had a leak, then the inner CV joints gave out and the engine mounts were bad, then the rack arm(sp) gave out, then the fan stopped working , now it''s the head gasket. Other than that the left power window doesn't work, the fifth door doesn't open and a few other little things. Now other than the obvious fact that I bought a lemon, I'm just wondering, are all these problems like the head gasket? are they common among Freelanders, is this why it was discontinued?

You still don't say what engine you have. The KV6 if that's what you have, is an expensive engine to repair and taking that into account alone you have probably been stitched up.
As for the other faults the information is available on here if you have the mechanical knowledge, ability and above all the inclination to fix your own car.
Use the forum search to find info on your problems, make sure your reading about your exact model though.
There are common problems with all cars, Freelanders are no exception but there are many happy owners too, the diesels are undoubtedly the best.
Thanks chaser, I haven't said what engine because I don't know. I'm not a gear head by any means, all my knowledge about cars are purely from my own fortunate or unfortunate experiences. I have no intention of trying to fix these things on my own, any info I gather from forums or whatever I'd simply forward that to my mechanic and hope he's able to do something constructive with it. The reason for my skepticism though is all the bad reviews the vehicle got and the fact that it has been discontinued, if it was any good why discontinue it? it certainly is one of the more attractive land rovers out there, the discovery, even though I want one, is as ugly as a foot, and the range is cool, but I think the expensive price tag along with the bells and whistles are what attracts most to it, not it's beauty, similar to the hummers, rugged and manly but not necessarily a great looking car, the Freelander on the other hand has a bit of everything.
Thanks for the input.
Thanks chaser, I haven't said what engine because I don't know. I'm not a gear head by any means, all my knowledge about cars are purely from my own fortunate or unfortunate experiences. I have no intention of trying to fix these things on my own, any info I gather from forums or whatever I'd simply forward that to my mechanic and hope he's able to do something constructive with it. The reason for my skepticism though is all the bad reviews the vehicle got and the fact that it has been discontinued, if it was any good why discontinue it? it certainly is one of the more attractive land rovers out there, the discovery, even though I want one, is as ugly as a foot, and the range is cool, but I think the expensive price tag along with the bells and whistles are what attracts most to it, not it's beauty, similar to the hummers, rugged and manly but not necessarily a great looking car, the Freelander on the other hand has a bit of everything.
Thanks for the input.

All vehicles are discontinued eventually, its how they develop and progress. The Freelander has been replaced by the LR2 or Freelander 2.
If you have a petrol and can fix it, then do so and sell it on.
As for bad reviews I have a freelander with over 123000 miles on the clock and I'm very happy with it. It is a diesel though.
It's a petrol and it's stick. But here's a helpful link to all who think Freelanders are worth any thing. FreeLander Head Gasket

I'm sorry to all the Freelander Zealots and I'm happy for all the pleased owners, but based on what I've experienced after owning this heap for three weeks and only being able to drive it for two and a half days, I have reason to believe these people in the link I've posted aren't making this **** up, this vehicle is GARBAGE! Again I apologize to the freelander lovers but the truth is the truth, this isn't just a case where "all vehicles go bad at some point" no! it's ****! I had the opportunity to buy an older Discovery but bought this instead because of the look and age, man was I wrong!
If you had done your research before buying it and had opted for a diesel you would have a very different view of the freelander. I'm sorry for your troubles but not all freelanders are ****, yours is ****.
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What rights do you have under consumer protection laws ? Can you return the car to the vendor? In the UK unless the purchaser was made aware of the poor condition during the sale he would have some redress.
Well here's a typical one who runs the car down without even knowing what engine is fitted. Obviously being so completely clueless means your even more prone to buying a lemon, so why didn't you take it to your mechanic & let him look it over before buying. You keep saying you don't know what engine is fitted, but I bet your mechanic does, so why didn't you ask him when the guys on here were trying to help you instead of repeatedly posting snide little whines.
I normally sympathise with people who've inadvertantly bought a bummer or been duped, but you really don't do much to help yourself....................another whine perhaps.
Wayne don't ignore the fact that you bought a 9 year old vehicle not a brand new one. The problems you are having will be because the previous owner/s won't have looked after it.
It was probably easier for them to sell it than to fix it.
chromiumuk, what was the point of your comment? Now I could reply to you in a more fitting way by pointing out what a dumb cynical ass you are among other things for posting that useless rubbish and I was going to, but I deleted it and re wrote this instead, instead of acting like a teenager on a video game forum.

Now I'm not whining, and if you take notice you'll see the problems I originally had at the beginning of this thread have worsened, now the head gasket is the problem. Whether or not I know what engine it is, whether or not I passed this info on to anybody really wouldn't make a difference at this point, because originally I just wanted to know what was causing it to shut off the way it did, but now that info is irrelevant, I have bigger fish to fry, maybe the head gasket is the cause of all the problems, maybe it's not. And if you followed the link I put up you'd see that many others have this head gasket problem, over and over actually, even with vehicles in overall better shape, so whether a mechanic looked at it or not, whether these people knew the difference between a lug tool and a crank shaft wouldn't make a difference, the vehicle is just generally a lemon, Kudos to those of you with good ones.
I simply continued this thread to find out other people's opinion on this vehicle, I thought that was harmless, but clearly people like you take my line of questions personally and offensive, I tried to be as decent as possible because I know they're people like you out there who will take me saying "the Freelander is ****" like I said something about your mother, but no, my diplomacy wasn't enough, there just had to be an asshole who felt compelled to get offensive. I don't want your sympathy, I just want people like you not to respond to posts like mine since it bothers you this much! Dumb ass.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

Wayne you asked for help, we needed to know what engine you had in order to give you some helpful advise. Therefore knowing what engine you had was very relevant.
I can't believe you bought a car not knowing what engine it had in the first place.
Get the head gasket sorted and sell it on to another poor mug and buy a japanese 4x4, it will be better suited to someone who knows nothing about vehicle maintenance.
Thanks Howardo. And Chaser, as for rights, well, the dealer said he'd give me my money back, actually he also offered to pay half the repair cost, but if he's a man of his word , which I'll find out soon, I'll probably just get the money back, it's not that big a deal, simply wanted some feedback since I already have the car, it really looks and feels great (when operational) so I was still considering keeping it a while and sell it in six months or so, IT'S REALLY NOT THAT BIG A DEAL. Thanks people. Just saw your post Howardo, I do appreciate the help, I wasn't arguing with that, but why is this other guy being an ass because I'm asking a lot of questions, I just wanted opinions.
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chromiumuk, what was the point of your comment? Now I could reply to you in a more fitting way by pointing out what a dumb cynical ass you are among other things for posting that useless rubbish and I was going to, but I deleted it and re wrote this instead, instead of acting like a teenager on a video game forum.

Now I'm not whining, and if you take notice you'll see the problems I originally had at the beginning of this thread have worsened, now the head gasket is the problem. Whether or not I know what engine it is, whether or not I passed this info on to anybody really wouldn't make a difference at this point, because originally I just wanted to know what was causing it to shut off the way it did, but now that info is irrelevant, I have bigger fish to fry, maybe the head gasket is the cause of all the problems, maybe it's not. And if you followed the link I put up you'd see that many others have this head gasket problem, over and over actually, even with vehicles in overall better shape, so whether a mechanic looked at it or not, whether these people knew the difference between a lug tool and a crank shaft wouldn't make a difference, the vehicle is just generally a lemon, Kudos to those of you with good ones.
I simply continued this thread to find out other people's opinion on this vehicle, I thought that was harmless, but clearly people like you take my line of questions personally and offensive, I tried to be as decent as possible because I know they're people like you out there who will take me saying "the Freelander is ****" like I said something about your mother, but no, my diplomacy wasn't enough, there just had to be an asshole who felt compelled to get offensive. I don't want your sympathy, I just want people like you not to respond to posts like mine since it bothers you this much! Dumb ass.

I try and stay neutral when it comes to freelander slagging. Chromiumuk is usually pro freelander and will defend them against the anti-freelander brigade aka tratter drivers. I actually agree with him on this one though.

I am taking a guess that you have spoken to your mechanic since you posted this thread. You simply can't be bothered to ask him what the engine capacity of your vehicle is. Enough people have attempted to help you but you have pretty much shunned what they have said/asked. That makes me think that you are either....... a) an arsehole b) a troll c) too thick to understand what is being asked d) an attention seeker e) a lazy fecker that thinks answers grow on trees. Which is it **** for brains?

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