
Iv'e beem following thisnthread and would like to know more about the 2500 ltrs in 12 months.

will my P38 2.5 tdi run with no problems on cooking oil?


Everyone gets a personal allowance of 2500 litres of fuel. It might be per person, per household, per town, per city, per country...... don't know. Don't care.

2.5tdi shouldn't have any issues tart with 20 litres of diesel and 10 litres of oil then do a 50:50 mix. In July - autumn you should be able to go 25% derv and 75% oil.

Simples ;)

Iv'e beem following thisnthread and would like to know more about the 2500 ltrs in 12 months.

will my P38 2.5 tdi run with no problems on cooking oil?


the 2500l is a bit complicated but here goes, google "hmrc179e" for the full details.

its not a personal limit, its a production limit. buying veg oil in tesco and pouring it in your disco is "producing a road fuel" as is making biodiesel from chipshop fat.

at the end of each month you have to add up what you have produced over the last 12 months, if its over 2500l you have to register and pay duty on the whole 2500+ l.

you also have to look at the future 12 months and if you see that you will produce over 2500l then you have to register and make 3 montly returns and pay duty on all of it.

if you have not or are not going to use more than 2500l in either of the above you just need to record your "production", ie date and qty that was "produced"

hope this helps
Yes,it does.I actually understand . Its kind of like when I was tacho exempt on my lorry but had to keep log records of everything to show that I was,in practice,exempt.Long time ago.Not as long ago as written log books but fortunately had an old one that I could use.Funnily enough,the area I was in and the offices at the time ,would not except a tacho disc as record of my lorries movements.....because I was tacho exempt.Wandering off the point,but a similar circular argument situation

However,what I dont (still) get is who does the production limit apply to? If I produce my limit,then my wife,or my neighbor take over does that re-start the limit from zero? Or is the limit applied to the equipment used ? Or the address the equipment is used at ? This isnt very clear (to me) at HMRC,but I am notoriously thick,so...........
However,what I dont (still) get is who does the production limit apply to? If I produce my limit,then my wife,or my neighbor take over does that re-start the limit from zero? Or is the limit applied to the equipment used ? Or the address the equipment is used at ? This isnt very clear (to me) at HMRC,but I am notoriously thick,so...........

This is the complicated bit, its per "premisis" or number of premisis if they are all yours.

you can't share equipment, you can't share the premisis, a co-op would only have 1 2500l per 12 month. I work on the basis that my 2500l is shared between me and shmbo (no one else here), everything i make goes in my log whereever it ends up going.

I take the view that we have been given an opertunity to regulate our selves and if people take the **** it will be taken away, so i don't take the **** and don't advize other to either.

If you realy need to know where you stand in your individual situation the best thing to do is contact HMRC and ask how it relates to you.

All I would say is;

The speed limits are clearly marked and enforced but do you actually stick to them.

If they are not there when you purchase the oil or poor it in the tank how can they possibly enforce it.

All I would say is;

The speed limits are clearly marked and enforced but do you actually stick to them.

If they are not there when you purchase the oil or poor it in the tank how can they possibly enforce it.

yes i do drive to the speed limits, and i don't use enough oil to go over my generous allowance.

If you do then i would not be posting such information on an open forum.
Hi chaps do this, 1, purchase oil 2, keep receipt untill next purchase, 3 ,keep new receipt destroy old receipt. custom and exise show interest, say you have just started using veg , here is my first receipt. what can they do.cheers elt.
Hi chaps do this, 1, purchase oil 2, keep receipt untill next purchase, 3 ,keep new receipt destroy old receipt. custom and exise show interest, say you have just started using veg , here is my first receipt. what can they do.cheers elt.

when will you numpties learn, do you think that others are not able to work that out for themselves?

why bring attention to to yourselves and give the powers that be the amunition to remove our free alowence, they will soon be able to catch you when there is no alowance won't they.:doh:
anyway,back on planet diesel,sainsburys have 3 lt bottles of oil for £3-94,or they did last night
In the 1 lt bottles?

Yeah, sunflower oil 1L bottles. Bought another 16L today, feckin ball ache putting them in the tank and some guy drove past me shaking his head so I retaliated in fashion.
Then topped it up with 10L of diesel at £1.35 per L

Pug drivers should mind their business :D
hi folks im a brand new landy owner (hopefully) due to pick up 2003 90 tdi this sun, and i live in ireland.:rolleyes:
and im hearing a lot about using the vegoil ,but also hear the scare tactics used by garages and so forth .
so i am a little bit brain washed by the establishment , but i dont understand if you can use the oil, why do people have a veg oil conversion kit if such thing exists.
the reason i ask is seen one advertised with kit.
i have read and followed the thread some great advice here.
cheers in advance..
oh i have so many questions grasshopper.
SVO no anti foaming agents-it's been covered many times before
Welcome to the forum mate ! Do some searches and some heavy reading,it will tell you more about the whys and wherefores of SVO,WVO or biodiesel than I could ever sum up for you........
Got some more sainsburys last night,3lt bottles for £2-94. Rapeseed oil,it says on the smallprint.
Hi padywaggon, the main reasons for a veg oil conversion kit is that you can run your truck with only 10% of diesel in the main tank, this is because you start and stop your journey using 100% diesel supplied from a second tank.The veg/diesel is heated via a heat exchanger which thins the mixture before it passes through the injector pump, and then the injectors cheers elt.
Hi padywaggon, the main reasons for a veg oil conversion kit is that you can run your truck with only 10% of diesel in the main tank, this is because you start and stop your journey using 100% diesel supplied from a second tank.The veg/diesel is heated via a heat exchanger which thins the mixture before it passes through the injector pump, and then the injectors cheers elt.
cheers lads, so its ok to go veg with just a few fuel filters on hand. 50 50 .

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