rollin danny

Well-Known Member
Just tried 21 ltr Morrisons rapeseed oil £85p litre in the tank ,already had about 30 ltr derv in. Drove round the corner and lost power then stalled.Managed to start up and was going round to the garage to put more derv in when it started to run ok :) I hope it starts ok when I go out later.Ive tried cooking oil before but had trouble so gave up.Can,t understand why when some run on 100 % oil without problems.
Mine's currently running (well, apart from it being bust) on about 1/3rd tescos finest to diesel and never has any bother. Might be worth making sure the sedimenter and fuel filters are clean ...
Ive been out for a spin and it started no problems and drove like a dream. Better acceleration and more power ! :) Dont know why it stalled at first but maybe it needed to mix a bit in tank. Last time I tried soya oil mix and maybe it was too thick for fuel filter :confused:.This time I went on the motorway and did 70 mph flat out up a long incline. On regular derv I can only manage 65 mph on same hill !
Probably a mixing issue. Either leave it in the tank for the thinner diesel to mix properly. Or bunny hop a little bit t mix up the tank lol :D
i'm running 50/50 at the mo no problemns at all did nearly 5k miles in the old disco running 50/50 in winter 75/25 in summer/autumn currently 6ltr for £5 in Asda diesel is £1.22 at the mo.
For 100% veg use,twin tanking is best,where you start and finish on derv and switch to veg when warm.Petrol is a better thinner for veg than derv and can be safely added at 10% (it is also cheaper at the pump).It is the viscosity of the resultant fuel that is important, if you don't want to knacker your i/p.This is why biodiesel can be used straight,its viscosity is very similar to regular derv-except if very cold ,in which case 10% petrol is added.
You are all paying the tax on the cooking oil i hope :rolly::mil80::nothingtoadd::your_wrong:

WTF are yu on about. Government allows ya to use 2500ltrs of biofuel without paying any duty but there is vat on veggy oil of course.
You have to prove whats in it if you get a tug / vosa check ..

AS you stated there is tax on veggy oil .....

Your signature is very vulgar and rude and needs removing ...
You have to prove whats in it if you get a tug / vosa check ..

AS you stated there is tax on veggy oil .....

Your signature is very vulgar and rude and needs removing ...

who the **** are you mister 6 posts-suggest you look round and see how it works or **** off
Oh dear..... I have to agree Pikey.

Remove the link for that disgusting site....bloody mig forums indeed
You have to prove whats in it if you get a tug / vosa check ..

AS you stated there is tax on veggy oil .....

Your signature is very vulgar and rude and needs removing ...

Yu know absolutely fook all now I could paste the link to HMR&C website that explains very clearly what you are allowed to put into a road vehicles fuel tank. If I did a search of my emails I could paste the one from HMR&C confirming that I am allowed to use upto 2500ltrs of veg oil per year, into my vehicles fuel tank Or I could refer you to countless 4x4 forums where this subject has been debated widely and where proof is readily available that it is legal to use veg oil as road fuel without paying duty on it. BUT

I'm tired and me sugar levels are low so I'm just gonna say Fook orf knobhead, the only thing that needs removing from this forum is you.

You are the weakest link goodbye!! :mad:
Oh dear..... I have to agree Pikey.

Remove the link for that disgusting site....bloody mig forums indeed

I know terrible int it. Would it help if I posted a link to a gas welding site anorl.
You are all paying the tax on the cooking oil i hope :rolly::mil80::nothingtoadd::your_wrong:
The law was changed a couple of years ago regarding cooking oil for fuel.You used to have to pay about 40p for every litre used to hmc but now like Redhand said you can use 2500 ltr before you are supposed to declare it. I dont think they like you mixing parafin with it to thin it though.
Yu know absolutely fook all now I could paste the link to HMR&C website that explains very clearly what you are allowed to put into a road vehicles fuel tank. If I did a search of my emails I could paste the one from HMR&C confirming that I am allowed to use upto 2500ltrs of veg oil per year, into my vehicles fuel tank Or I could refer you to countless 4x4 forums where this subject has been debated widely and where proof is readily available that it is legal to use veg oil as road fuel without paying duty on it. BUT

I'm tired and me sugar levels are low so I'm just gonna say Fook orf knobhead, the only thing that needs removing from this forum is you.

You are the weakest link goodbye!! :mad:

Some folk think they know it all.... feck all!!!

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