
Active Member
i was talking to a chap this week with a freelander who works in a automotive college in liverpool. his vcu seized at 53000mls, he took it off clamped one side in a huge vice, put a large bar on the other end & spent the next 2 hours turning it ( with a lot of effort to begin with). he then put it back on the car, the car now has 84000mls on it & he reckons its still working well, ive got no reason not to belive him so what do you think???????
VCU Probs?

Have a look at this 1st

[nomedia=""]YouTube - Freelander 1 2001 v6 Viscous Coupling Unit VCU Torque Test[/nomedia]
No. But I hear he's filmed it again, with different weights as a comparison, with times for each test. He plans to remove the prop/vcu to bench test that, for comparison too.
Don't think he's uploaded it yet. Not had time to glue the clips togther. vcu won't come off until the weekend fer bench testin. I'll let him know your concerned.
nope - i aint concerned - just worrited coz i mite have missed the results - yu can tell him, though, that I am sure his testing will be appreciated by all at some point in the future :eek:.

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