
Active Member
i was talking to a chap this week with a freelander who works in a automotive college in liverpool. his vcu seized at 53000mls, he took it off clamped one side in a huge vice, put a large bar on the other end & spent the next 2 hours turning it ( with a lot of effort to begin with). he then put it back on the car, the car now has 84000mls on it & he reckons its still working well, ive got no reason not to belive him so what do you think???????
I think I saw this exact post a few days ago? If it was that easy nobody would bother with Recon VCU's or putting the car into Mondo mode. If it's true (the story above) the VCU probably wasn't even seized to begin with.
:doh: the car has more than enough torque to turn it so why would turning it by hand make any difference. :rolleyes: :D
Why repeat the same post again, you originally posted this word for word on the 5th Dec
correct i dont like being ignored, im going to give it a try mine is defo seized it wont br till after new year as im moving house but i,ll keep you posted
This will do naff all! There is massive amounts of torque transmitted through the driveline, sticking a bar on it and turning it will do nothing. If the VCU is seized solid (very unlikely) the IRD or/and diff wouldn't last more than a few yards.
correct i dont like being ignored, im going to give it a try mine is defo seized it wont br till after new year as im moving house but i,ll keep you posted

If you're planning on repeating all your posts then it's probably best if you don't bother keeping us updated.

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