
New Member
Hello folks,

I have bought a 99 on a S-reg Freelander XDi. It came with no propshaft so I procured one through the usual channels (ebay) and of course, as you would expect, it's gubbed (broken)

Does anyone know of a Company that overhauls the VCU's. I have already renewed the VCU bearings and universal joints so I don't want to spend more money on a complete replacement overhauled shaft.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance, Neil.

Why will I need an IRD at the same time?
Hopefully you wont but it is not uncommon for the prop to be removed to cover up other problems i.e. ird or rear diff. I have just had a new vcu from Ashcroft Transmissions and so far very pleased.
Ah right, I'm with you.

Yeah I am aware of that, fortunately when I fitted the shaft it didn't bring to light any other faults. IRD and rear diff appear to be ok. So I'm facing the prospect of spending money on a new VCU. Has anyone had any dealings with Freelander
Ah right, I'm with you.

Yeah I am aware of that, fortunately when I fitted the shaft it didn't bring to light any other faults. IRD and rear diff appear to be ok. So I'm facing the prospect of spending money on a new VCU. Has anyone had any dealings with Freelander

I got mine from Bell Engineering.
Home - Bell Engineering
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if yer gunna change the Vcu then change the bearings either side at the same time and check the mounts and shafts aswell :):):)
Ah right, I'm with you.

Yeah I am aware of that, fortunately when I fitted the shaft it didn't bring to light any other faults. IRD and rear diff appear to be ok. So I'm facing the prospect of spending money on a new VCU. Has anyone had any dealings with Freelander
they have a very good reputation they advertise on flea bay dont confuse them wiff Mr Wun Ball who has a very simular name . . . . .the durdy bastid :mad::mad::mad:

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