
Hi guys
Tvr bought there exhaust down either side of the car like a true v8/yank.
I'd like to do this to my p38, but with the fuel tank and air tank in the way it seems impossible, so what's everyones thoughts on this idea:
A duel entry and exit centre box, coupled with a y branch to swap the sides over and get an equal tuned pipe out of the back.
I know about tuning the pipe to the engine so swapping left to right via the y branch would theoretically give an equal run to each side of the engine under the car, and possibly let the engine perform better.

Comments welcome
Tuning exhausts isn't just about making them the same length. Plus, if they both go into the same centre box, any gains from trying to make the length same will be negated.
I'm sure there are better ways to go faster, don't start with a 2.5t 4wd vehicle for a start!
It's not, it's a 4.6 modified V8, also the twin entry / exit of the centre box means each side is separated and straight through.
So does the centre box just have 2 entrances and exits, or is it internally separate- being, in fact 2 centre boxes with one steel case wrapped around them?
On pipes the length of the range rover I still can't see it making much difference to be honest.
On top of that, the rest of the running gear will fail under the strain.
I just can't see any point boy racering a p38, kinda just defeats the object but each unto his own I guess.
Well I never asked about an opinion on boy racer in, and at my age I think I'm a little past that, if you can't see my point then don't comment, I asked for constructive comments.
Well I never asked about an opinion on boy racer in, and at my age I think I'm a little past that, if you can't see my point then don't comment, I asked for constructive comments.
You said comments welcome.
I commented that it's pointless and boy racerish modifying the exhaust for little or no benefit on a 2.5t 4wd vehicle.
What more could you ask for!
Hi guys
Tvr bought there exhaust down either side of the car like a true v8/yank.
I'd like to do this to my p38, but with the fuel tank and air tank in the way it seems impossible, so what's everyones thoughts on this idea:
A duel entry and exit centre box, coupled with a y branch to swap the sides over and get an equal tuned pipe out of the
I know about tuning the pipe to the engine so swapping left to right via the y branch would theoretically give an equal run to each side of the engine under the car, possibly let the engine perform better.

Comments welcome
Last two words of your post?...
You know what, I give up, I thought this was a site for people who loved land rovers, maybe the new svr range with 500 bhp is made for boy racers, and mark Adamson chip must surely be a waste of time, must find a more intelligent site me thinks.
You know what, I give up, I thought this was a site for people who loved land rovers, maybe the new svr range with 500 bhp is made for boy racers, and mark Adamson chip must surely be a waste of time, must find a more intelligent site me thinks.

Your right give up..this is a site for Landy lovers..but when you ask for comments\advice and it isn't what you want to hear then it's not for you...good luck somewhere else
You know what, I give up, I thought this was a site for people who loved land rovers, maybe the new svr range with 500 bhp is made for boy racers, and mark Adamson chip must surely be a waste of time, must find a more intelligent site me thinks.
I think you're missing my point.
What I'm saying is that the mod you are proposing will make at best 2-3bhp of difference if designed perfectly which will make sod all difference in a vehicle weighing as much as the moon so it can only be seen as a boy racer type of mod.
As I said, if that's what floats your boat, go ahead but I just don't see the point.
You asked for people's opinions and because you don't like them you're getting in a huff.
Sorry, not my fault.
Karma is circular, so the way you are responding to quite polite, asked for, comments, would surely mean , it is you , not any of the others, who needs reminding of that fact.
If you do leave, please pick up your dummy, as you may need to throw it elsewhere. However, if you see sense and accept you asked for comments, not for opinions that only supported your own, then this is a very helpful site. Whichever, way you decide, don't forget............. Karma ;)

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