I dont think I should now move the vehicle as in doing so I am suggesting that I am happy to drive it which contradicts my complaint of it being unsafe/ unroad worthy.
Certainly not! Dont hand over a thing, at worst, it is your evidence of dodgy MOT and not up to standard. 30 days is too long. Cash in hand and i walk away, no cash i will take you to court. It is an open and shut case.

I tried to be fair with the 30 days as it appeared initially that the reason he wasn't refunding was because 'he didnt have the cash'...i thought that was exceptionally fair but now hes basically said unless I give him the car to resell he cant refund. So Im going to work on the basis that he has now refused my offer of 30 day refund and start the legal stuff asap (after getting some advice).
Another evening yesterday battling text messages back and forward with the dealer... jees does he talk some cr@p! In the end I couldn't be bothered to argue the toss any more, given we where going round in circles. My message to him yesterday was "I will no longer correspond with you given we are unable to come to an agreement, you have 30 days in which to collect the car and refund my money or I will be seeking legal action."

His response was basically 'take me to court'....

At 5:52pm my final message read "Since you have implied that you are refusing my offer of 30 days to collect and refund the vehicle, I will proceed with legal action at my earliest convenience."

This morning. 7.30am I receive a message saying "I will collect and refund the car when I get paid and I will take it up with the MOT station, I would like the opportunity to inspect the car first before I hand the money over. I would desperately like to be able to sleep this weekend."
(hope hes lost as much sleep over it as i have!)

So.... Looks like im in with a chance! I'll keep you all posted.
Another evening yesterday battling text messages back and forward with the dealer... jees does he talk some cr@p! In the end I couldn't be bothered to argue the toss any more, given we where going round in circles. My message to him yesterday was "I will no longer correspond with you given we are unable to come to an agreement, you have 30 days in which to collect the car and refund my money or I will be seeking legal action."

His response was basically 'take me to court'....

At 5:52pm my final message read "Since you have implied that you are refusing my offer of 30 days to collect and refund the vehicle, I will proceed with legal action at my earliest convenience."

This morning. 7.30am I receive a message saying "I will collect and refund the car when I get paid and I will take it up with the MOT station, I would like the opportunity to inspect the car first before I hand the money over. I would desperately like to be able to sleep this weekend."
(hope hes lost as much sleep over it as i have!)

So.... Looks like im in with a chance! I'll keep you all posted.
Tell him to bring a jack and some axle stands to inspect it on your drive not at a garage of his choice
Tell him to bring a jack and some axle stands to inspect it on your drive not at a garage of his choice
I assumed he wanted to look it over on my driveway (which i'm happy for him to do cos he wont be getting the keys until the cash is in my hand), though I don't see the point in looking under it as he told me he never looked under the car before he sold it to me (BULLSH@T)...so how would he know if its any different now?
I assumed he wanted to look it over on my driveway (which i'm happy for him to do cos he wont be getting the keys until the cash is in my hand), though I don't see the point in looking under it as he told me he never looked under the car before he sold it to me (BULLSH@T)...so how would he know if its any different now?
Cos it makes him look innocent
Cos it makes him look innocent
Problem is he has lied and contradicted himself so many times (via text) in the last few days its unreal! I have all those messages and will use them if it goes to court. Any judge would easily see how hes tied himself in knots with lies and contradictions. In fact I struggled to believe anyone could be as stupid with some of the things hes said!
How funny would that be! have a load of you standing round the car while he's 'Inspecting it' PMSL
Have you looked into making a claim via county court?
I think you should consider giving him a little trophy for being possibly the worst 'businessman' in the world, if he hasn't got £1,500 to give you back :D
I suspect you've got him sufficiently rattled. Sadly I think he is giving you this much grief, especially at night, because you're on your own. I would suggest getting a friend to be there with you when the guy comes over for the inspection. It's sad but that's the way the world is. It will help you as a witness too. Good luck. :)
Sad thing is some other poor schmuck will end up with this car. I mean it wont be you, but still. A real shame :(
Sad thing is some other poor schmuck will end up with this car. I mean it wont be you, but still. A real shame :(
Yes..that's exactly what I thought too :(... and it will be some poor sod that gets it... cos anyone who has a good knowledge of these wouldn't touch it... it'l be someone like me that hasn't a clue. :(
Yes..that's exactly what I thought too :(... and it will be some poor sod that gets it... cos anyone who has a good knowledge of these wouldn't touch it... it'l be someone like me that hasn't a clue. :(
I guess the best we can hope for is that he actually does take it to his 'mate' to get the welding done (even though it'l be a quick hash) hopefully it'll make it safer.
Yes..that's exactly what I thought too :(... and it will be some poor sod that gets it... cos anyone who has a good knowledge of these wouldn't touch it... it'l be someone like me that hasn't a clue. :(
Just make sure when you get your money back there is plenty info including the reg no and seller details on here in case a potential owner does a google search and will hopefully find it
Just make sure when you get your money back there is plenty info including the reg no and seller details on here in case a potential owner does a google search and will hopefully find it
I will def post all the details... in the hope we may save a few!

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