I decided I'd try to work out why the HG had occurred on the old engine again so soon after it was done the last time? It appears the thermostat had stuck in the closed position on both stat valves so completely blocking water flow though the heater and the rad at the same time!! The stat was new when the HGs were changed 1500 miles earlier with a genuine LR stat!! The engine didn't stand a chance with no water flowing :(
Hopefully the new engine will have a better fate?
Ok so a little update on the car. The engine has now pulled the Freelander about for just over 500 miles. It has run faultless without using any water or oil. There is a small amount of water visible on the oil filler cap which i'm not worried about as the car only does short journeys. My ZS180 also suffers this. The oil is clean and water free. There is no smoke from the replacement engine now it has the correct grade of oil in it. I'm getting 22.5 mpg out of it which is good considering the number of hills I drive up daily. The V6 pulls well in all gears but I still reckon a manual box would change the car for the better especially as the auto is a bit rough on a down change when cold although that could be the fluid. I've been monitoring engine temps using the OBD live data which shows the engine temp to be within it's normal range, at a steady 50 mph the engine runs at 98°C climing to 102°C under heavy loads. I still think this is way to high and will be looking into a way of getting a lower engine temp in the long term. But for now i'm going to enjoy using it!!
Think I've found a work around for the high temps that it takes to get the fans to kick on after finding out that the Hawkeye doesn't allow that sort of recalibration;

On North American versions, the sensor that triggers the fans is located low on the radiator side of the coolant return to the thermostat. Placing it at the hot outlet of the engine would trick the fans into coming on sooner, and since the thermostat itself is analog, should produce consistent running right around 90c.- I hope;)
Just been swapping a few parts over from the old engine onto the replacement this includes the sump and the oil pick up/ strainer. I thought I'd give it a check before fitting it and i'm glad I did. This is what the gause had collected!!

Makes me wonder who built this engine?
looks like desperate Dan has been having a shave
Nice pictures boy I wish I could learn how to post pictures

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