Dave 2000

Active Member
2002 Freelander V6 auto, a 30 amp fuse in the box under the bonnet has blown twice, each time it causes the engine to cut out and refuses to start. Fitted a second 30 amp and it blew two days later.

The fuse symbol is for engine, no OBD codes shown, no MIL light.

Fitted a 40 amp (I know but desperate to keep car on the road), car has run perfect for three days but want to get an idea where to look, seems to happen when braking, no wiring diagram, anyone recognise this?

I am carrying an injury so it is hard to work on car and no faith in other garages, any thoughts?



Wow blowing 30 amps got to be earthing somewhere or chaff enough to rub against. As you say only happens when braking this seems to be reaction of the loose or chaffed cable causing the earth issue.
Update your 30amp is related to the A/C. So unless you have a water leak near the connections to A/C unit or getting into the fusebox.
2002 Freelander V6 auto, a 30 amp fuse in the box under the bonnet has blown twice, each time it causes the engine to cut out and refuses to start. Fitted a second 30 amp and it blew two days later.

The fuse symbol is for engine, no OBD codes shown, no MIL light.

Fitted a 40 amp (I know but desperate to keep car on the road), car has run perfect for three days but want to get an idea where to look, seems to happen when braking, no wiring diagram, anyone recognise this?

I am carrying an injury so it is hard to work on car and no faith in other garages, any thoughts?



For anyone to know what that fuse is for and what is causing the problem, you need to identify which fuse it is - they all have their own number to identify them. You can either take a pic of the fusebox, mark on it which one is blowing, upload it here and someone can check... or get the name from the Rave workshop manual...


I can't recall off hand what the biggest fuse under the bonnet is... but its always possible its supposed to have something bigger than 30amp in there and at some point someone has replaced it with the smaller one - I doubt it, but possible!
Thanks for the posts thus far. I have not been able to put any time on the car because of the aforementioned injury, so was thinking I might come across a known quick fix.

I am hoping to get more information on the fuse this coming weekend, it is not one of the main fuses which IIRC are in the 80+ amp range. The fuse is in a cluster of about 6 or 8 and is the only 30 amp all the others are 40 amps, FWIW the car has continued to work fine with the wrong 40 A fuse in place for 4 days now.

I see the A/C is mentioned, this is a good point as the hot weather has recently started and the A/C has started to be used again, may be a red herring given the fuse blew when braking, I will come back to the forum with more information after getting some time with the car.

Thanks again for the quick responses.


The only 30Amp fuse in the engine bay fuse box is for the heater blower, MAX speed relay. It's fuse 8. I've ringed it here.
This was why I was looking on the wiring map in my Haynes books for 2001 to 2003. K series and TD4 show the A/C FUSE as 30amps. Now with the fault blowing when braking this might be a fault not with the fuse persay but link to the A/C causing the earthing.
This was why I was looking on the wiring map in my Haynes books for 2001 to 2003. K series and TD4 show the A/C FUSE as 30amps. Now with the fault blowing when braking this might be a fault not with the fuse persay but link to the A/C causing the earthing.

It's pretty difficult to identify a potential problem, with only half the information. It's made more difficult if all model variances aren't available.
This is the 2003 engine bay fuse box diagram.

Hoping look at the car tomorrow, this will allow a less ambiguous post.

The fuse that blew is not one of the blade types, it is one of the cluster of 6 'block type' fuses, IIRC one of the 6 shown in your diagram FL 10 ECM RELAY as per your diagram, and that shows 40 map. The one that first blewcwas a 30 and I simply replaced it with the same, since the install of the 40 the car has run fine. If this is the correct rating of 40 then no harm done, strange it has been in three for over a year.

I will get back to the forum to update on the outcome, many thanks for the diagram, this may have clarified the whole issue.


Well the plot thickens, the car is from America! I did recall checking the fuse was marked on the lid as FL10 ECM and 30 amp, and doubled checked this pm.

The owner was concerned about having a 40 in that had not blown and decided to replace with another 30 map this morning and used the car most of today. I looked at it this pm, and although the 30 had not blown it was showing signs of overheating. The 40 that had been in there since Tuesday had no evidence of getting hot. So I have put the 40 back in and have called it job done for the moment.

Noted is the following :

The car has a fuse box lid with 30 amp listed for FL10, and yet the diagrams kindly supplied above show a 40 map as being listed.

I also find it odd that the car has been working fine for the last year with no known electrical problems with the 30 in.

When I get five mins I will download the Rave on a WIN machine and see if I can see what circuits if any other than ECM are served.

Thanks for your time,


If you have a North American model of the V6, I can check my 2002 to tell you what amperage my fuse is. Let me know if you want the info.
If you have a North American model of the V6, I can check my 2002 to tell you what amperage my fuse is. Let me know if you want the info.

Hi and thanks for the thought. I can confirm that here we are eight days later and the 40 amp I fitted has not blown, car is in use very day for the moment and the weather dictates AC on all the time. If your NA model has a lid with the UK spec fuses as per this customer then I would bet it shows a 30 amp installed at FL10, I am thinking that perhaps the following scenario may have played out?

When the car was landed from NA into the UK a previous mechanic perhaps because of an unrelated problem replaced the fuse with the one shown on the lid i.e. 30 amp, and then the vehicle was brought to Spain, and with the continued use of AC eventually cooked the fuse. I come along and replace with another 30, not only because that is what was in there but also the lid also states 30 amp. Why the lid is marked as 30 I have no idea, as the diagram above clearly states 40 amp. If you feel inclined perhaps you could lift the fuse box lid and see what FL10 fuse rating is called for and perhaps see if you do have a fuse matching that lid amperage? Do you use the AC a lot, it does seem that since this customer started using it in earnest was when it started blowing the 30's.

Many thanks


On my NAS Freelander V6 both the printed diagram and the actual fuse are 30amp on position FL10. Car is 2002 never had an issue with that fuse.

See pictures.
Thanks for that. I have since come across another NAS freelander wiring diagram and that showed a 40 amp in FL10.

Interesting that the 30 blew when she started to use the AC and pressed the brake, car in use a lot now and AC always on, 40 amp still in there for around 2 months, no sign of overheating, car running perfect.

For the moment taking it off the watch list, 40C plus degrees for the next month, see how it goes.

Thanks again,



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