I don't know where to start with this!

Are you saying that you know who is responsible for this, and possibly a spate of related Land Rover thefts in the area, but are not willing to involve the police because you think that you're ok because you believe that you have sufficient security to deter them from stealing yours??

That's precisely the sort of attitude that will be the death of this country!

And surely any insurance claim is now fraudulent because she knows very well where her Land Rover is but is refusing to report its location to the police?
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Pass all the information you have to the police and insurance company. You pay for the services of the police in your council tax, and you pay motor insurance. The police do get a lot of stick for apparently failing to do their job, but without information they cannot act. This is a very serious crime and needs to be dealt with as such.
If I knew where my stolen motor was, I would seriously be straight round there! bat in hand. I wouldn't care who they thought they were. if fighting them didn't work I would run them over... I would rather be beat up than sit down and do nothing. I would burn the bastards place down. don't take it lying down. fact is they are human........
she has informed the police as stated on the first page

at the end of the day her truck will be stripped and damaged in which case why would she want it back knowing it has been broken into before?

attempting to get it back from a gang of car thieves isnt going to make her life any happier, they also know where she lives and how easy it will be to steal the truck..... again

yes it was stolen (theft) covered by her insurance which is fully comp including theft, so as she has informed the police and insurance then yes they can do their job and sort it out as yes she is paying for a service, so wheres the point in us getting into a war over it?

please inform me again if she is doing something wrong? and p.s. this country went under a long time ago sadly and we are living in an age where people dont have the respect for themselves and others
she has informed the police as stated on the first page

at the end of the day her truck will be stripped and damaged in which case why would she want it back knowing it has been broken into before?

attempting to get it back from a gang of car thieves isnt going to make her life any happier, they also know where she lives and how easy it will be to steal the truck..... again

yes it was stolen (theft) covered by her insurance which is fully comp including theft, so as she has informed the police and insurance then yes they can do their job and sort it out as yes she is paying for a service, so wheres the point in us getting into a war over it?

please inform me again if she is doing something wrong? and p.s. this country went under a long time ago sadly and we are living in an age where people dont have the respect for themselves and others

its wrong because she knows where it is -and isn't telling the police nor about the offer to return it for cash :(

claiming from her insurance affects us ALL as our premiums go up :mad:
she has informed the police as stated on the first page

at the end of the day her truck will be stripped and damaged in which case why would she want it back knowing it has been broken into before?

attempting to get it back from a gang of car thieves isnt going to make her life any happier, they also know where she lives and how easy it will be to steal the truck..... again

yes it was stolen (theft) covered by her insurance which is fully comp including theft, so as she has informed the police and insurance then yes they can do their job and sort it out as yes she is paying for a service, so wheres the point in us getting into a war over it?

please inform me again if she is doing something wrong? and p.s. this country went under a long time ago sadly and we are living in an age where people dont have the respect for themselves and others

You seem to have missed the part where she knows where the vehicle is so, yes, she absolutely is doing something wrong and, in all likelihood, illegal by failing to disclose the information.

I assume that you are fully aware of the irony of the statement in your final sentence, so I won't waste my time by bothering to respond...
she has told the police, why do people keep missing this minor detail that i keep saying, also it isnt my defender its hers and she doesnt want to get in a fight over it. im pretty sure its not her fault that premiums go up, but more down to people that steal them and bad drivers on the road?
can people stop trying to prove a point that isnt valid as she hasnt done anything wrong. if the same thing happened to mine the last thing i would do is grab a baseball bat and go chasing after people as then the police will look at it completely differently and would put me in the wrong. loads of people claim for insurance fraud so shes well i her right to claim for this
It's also wrong because by her actions she is enabling the bad guys to create other victims and the next person to have their vehicle nicked could be me or anyone else on here . :mad:

And your attitude of I'm alright Jack as I have security is pretty ****e too :mad:
she has told the police, why do people keep missing this minor detail that i keep saying, also it isnt my defender its hers and she doesnt want to get in a fight over it. im pretty sure its not her fault that premiums go up, but more down to people that steal them and bad drivers on the road?
can people stop trying to prove a point that isnt valid as she hasnt done anything wrong. if the same thing happened to mine the last thing i would do is grab a baseball bat and go chasing after people as then the police will look at it completely differently and would put me in the wrong. loads of people claim for insurance fraud so shes well i her right to claim for this

yes she reported theft initially. You then said she was approached and knows who did it and was offered it back for cash - right or wrong ? and has she told police who did this or said this to her

and as a single woman Im not suggesting she goes around with a baseball bat - but fecking use the police and stop hiding behind "they're all useless" bollocks

and of course increased thefts of defenders causes ALL defender owners to have a premium added to their insurance - don't be ridiculous to suggest otherwise :mad:
she has informed the police as stated on the first page

at the end of the day her truck will be stripped and damaged in which case why would she want it back knowing it has been broken into before?

attempting to get it back from a gang of car thieves isnt going to make her life any happier, they also know where she lives and how easy it will be to steal the truck..... again

yes it was stolen (theft) covered by her insurance which is fully comp including theft, so as she has informed the police and insurance then yes they can do their job and sort it out as yes she is paying for a service, so wheres the point in us getting into a war over it?

please inform me again if she is doing something wrong? and p.s. this country went under a long time ago sadly and we are living in an age where people dont have the respect for themselves and others

well if you can live with that and let this happen your the next target for the bully grow up, grow a set and go get it back :mad:
Can't believe this roll over and die attitude :doh: Many more with the same attitude and we truly are fooked :(

If the police haven't been fully informed of the 'buy back' then that's a crime in it's own right so far as I'm concerned :mad:
Can't believe this roll over and die attitude :doh: Many more with the same attitude and we truly are fooked :(

If the police haven't been fully informed of the 'buy back' then that's a crime in it's own right so far as I'm concerned :mad:

+1 :eek:its condoning crime and making it worse for others
right are you all assuming that the truck will still be in one piece? let alone drivable?
she has fully made the police aware of what has happened and also the insurance company.
she is not going on a rampage against fully grown me who dont give a **** what they do, neither am i
yes my truck has more security, no i dont think that will stop the right person
when you inform the police they take on their roll and take the matter off your hands

there is no point at all in trying to get it back as it will not be in one piece or noticable.

times have changed and gone where the days you could kick the xxxx out of someone and that solved the problem. it causes more trouble than its worth. yes we all wish we could solve problems still this way

her truck as it was has gone so she will claim for it.

we pay road tax and the roads are rubbish conditions so people claim when they mess their suspension on a pothole, she pays her insurance and has done everything by the books so there is o reason not to claim other than people assuming a vigilante is the better option

everything that should of been done has been done, we aint kids anymore
Im sorry I don't believe you - that's not what you wrote before I don't believe she has told the police nor her insurance who she thinks has her motor - I think she just wants the cash and no hassle and keeping stum is the easiest option for her and feck everyone else .:mad: I think you're frantically back peddling now as your and your friends attitude has ****ed everyone off

and I am not suggesting the vigilante approach at all - just being a descent member of society and if you're any sort of friend support your vulnerable friend to confront her fear and report it properly and with FULL details
right are you all assuming that the truck will still be in one piece? let alone drivable?
she has fully made the police aware of what has happened and also the insurance company.
she is not going on a rampage against fully grown me who dont give a **** what they do, neither am i
yes my truck has more security, no i dont think that will stop the right person
when you inform the police they take on their roll and take the matter off your hands

there is no point at all in trying to get it back as it will not be in one piece or noticable.

times have changed and gone where the days you could kick the xxxx out of someone and that solved the problem. it causes more trouble than its worth. yes we all wish we could solve problems still this way

her truck as it was has gone so she will claim for it.

we pay road tax and the roads are rubbish conditions so people claim when they mess their suspension on a pothole, she pays her insurance and has done everything by the books so there is o reason not to claim other than people assuming a vigilante is the better option

everything that should of been done has been done, we aint kids anymore

So your excuse is now that the vehicle may or may not have been broken down or damaged, even though you have no evidence to support this?

If she did the right thing and reported the FULL DETAILS to the police, do you really think that the police/insurance company would return a box of parts rather than writing the vehicle off?

And while I'm responding to your tirade of lies and cowardice; you need to stop acting like you are not responsible for any of this. You are also guilty of withholding information from the police - And I repeat that you should be reporting the location of the vehicle and the people who have admitted to stealing it, and not taking a vigilante approach (which very few people have actually suggested).

A very simple question for you:

Have either of you reported the fact that you are both fully aware of who was responsible for stealing the vehicle and/or the fact that they have offered to return the vehicle in exchange for an agreed sum of money?
she HAS reported everything she knows
I do not know where the vehicle is as she is keeping it between her, the police and insurance as she is going by the books
frankly i was just updating the lot of you so you all knew what was going on and didnt need to look out for it and anyone it the area can be more wary of theirs
and im sure if we got the police involved who as i say are the closest thing to useless then they wouldnt be best pleased either. best not to wind them up really. nobody can stop it from happenin but as i said my truck has a lot more security than hers did

See above quote....."and im sure IF we got the police involved"
The fact the case is on a public forum would indicate the police are aware of the extortion (possibly a more serious crime than car theft?), and I assume the lady has reported the extortion and identity of the extortee. Withholding this information is in itself a crime. As has been pointed out, failure to act fully causes more thefts and increased insurance premiums for the rest of us :mad:

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