
New Member
A big thankyou to [JP] and The Mad Hat Man for putting me in contact with bmp42.

Living in a foreign country with little grasp of the language I found myself in the un-enviable position of trying to find a mechanic to deal with a shattered front diff, hammered power steering box and a back end that kicked out every time I accelerated or changed gear.

I arrived at the workshop this morning at 0930hrs and it was straight into the work. The initial job and quote encompassed the diff only and the steering box at a later date. Upon arrival I informed bmp42 of the back end kicking out.

By the end of a long day all the work was completed including the back-end kick which came down to a worn bush and was not included in the original quote yet there was no additional charge. Numerous small problems were encountered and all were overcome with out fuss or complaint or extra charge!

To sum up, the service I received was:

a) professional in the extreme.
b) friendly and confident.
c) an utterly competent display and implementation of knowledge.
d) on road focus of vehicle safety.
e) impressive and absolute value for hard earned money.
f) all parts were on site, clean, in good condition and fitted first time.

I was supplied with copious amounts of tea and had my flask refilled for the 100km journey home!
I will thorougly recommend bmp42 and pedro38 to anyone.

Many thanks to all involved from initial contact to the final fix, what I experienced today was nothing short of Gold Dust.
nope he doesn't mean us at Landy Specials, we are no longer anything to do with the BMP42, as we found his work not upto standard at all..........
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Obviously he has got betterer :p

I always have found it is never wise to knock the opposition. It has a habit of biting yu in the bum :(.
not from what i've heard.........

and we don't view people like that as opposition
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so out of interest are all they guys working at these two places on landys from the uk orginally? they seem to have good english fo sure!

Brits always seem to work well with the portugese.
BMP42 used to be known as Stig. Stevo88 is a relative. They had a fall out big time.
why doesnt matter.

All from the UK, i believe
I like portugal and we have family out there, I just wondered if they were native landy enthusiasts with better english than me or ex pats.

so where does JP fit in to all this with his portugese madness :D
Havent yu heard - Portugal is a hell of a site worse than us.

I think its more like we are just as bad a shape but we have a better credit rating- I wonder how long that will last.

I was more thinking of the weather and lack of traffic jams though:D

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